iv : math class

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  Minji had never ever been this anxious for a math class. "Reina, there are camera people in that hallway!" She pointed down the hall of the Math Building. Their class was on the first floor.

  "Oh, they must be preparing for the next scene... you know, the eleventh graders are still in their classes. They have lunch before us ; remember?" Reina answered, sitting down right outside the classroom. They were ten minutes early, and about 3 others were sitting near them.

 Minji glanced at her math notebook and her cute pink leather pencil case from Coach. "Oh boy, I seriously hope I sit somewhat close to them..." She whispered, her voice trembling from excitement.

  Reina grinned. "Hopefully. Oh man, I don't know how Mr. Jones does the seating arrangement. You know, he knows that I'm a fan of theirs..." She said smugly, twirling her pencil in between her fingers, a habit she usually did when she was nervous.

  Minji widened her eyes, and opened her mouth. "He wouldn't dare..."

  Reina shrugged. "Who knows, but hopefully I get the courage to talk to them."

  "Shut up- I should be the one saying that kind of stuff!" Minji teased, pushing out her lower lip, creating a pout.

  The two girls sat in silence, Minji glancing at her Instagram, scrolling through various posts of celebrities  and friends, while Reina glanced at her Snapchat, which she hadn't looked at the entire day. She groaned. She had about 60 notifications-that was truly going to be a pain.

  "Reina, did you see my snap?" Sa-Yoon arrived, peering over Reina's shoulder. Reina turned around and sighed. "No- I'm doing my streaks right now. Why?"

  Sa-Yoon sighed dreamily. " I got the perfect angle of Jimin-oppa's absolutely gorgeous behind!" Minji glared at Sa-Yoon. "What?! Did you send that to me???" She exited her Instagram app and opened the Snapchat one. Sure enough, when she tapped Sa-Yoon, she saw it- in all it's glory.

  Minji squealed and screenshotted the picture. Reina glanced over at Minji's iPhone screen and eyed it carefully. "Are the uniform pants really that tight? Also, send that to me; I suck at screenshotting things." Reina murmured, then glancing back at her phone. " Also, Don't call him oppa , he's your age dummy~, " she teased Sa-Yoon, earning a giggle in response.

  "See?! It's amazing isn't it? And Reina-Mei is going to be in our class. This is it. My life is complete." Sa-Yoon added, gripping her books tightly.

  Reina's jaw dropped in surprise. "Mei? You're joking right?"

  More and more people started gathering the halls. "No, I'm serious. Mary told me in Calculus." She answered, flashing a grin.

  Reina laughed. "Oh my gosh, this is going to be a class to remember."


 The sound of the end of lunch- and the end of fourth period. Minji grabbed Reina's shoulder. "Is my hair fine? Should I film?" Reina waved her hand at her, "calm down, yes you look great- don't worry about it. Just snap stuff or take videos but don't send anything." She answered , as the cameramen moved out of the entrance to let the students in. Sa-Yoon smiled at the two of them. "Let's hope this period goes well~!" Reina widened her eyes, remembering her lunch incident. "Yeah, about that..." She trailed of, standing up to get into class.

  Minji laughed. "Oh yeah right, she has an interesting story to tell you after class."


 Reina felt walking into class to be nerve-wrecking, but walking in with her friends into a class with a familiar teacher was a bit less scary. The teacher, a man in his mid-thirties, with his brown hair combed back and gelled, and his light blue eyes surrounded with thick brown frames, grinned widely at the sight of Reina.

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