vii : the first confrontation + eraser (?)

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  "Reina, why are you still avoiding him?" Justin asked, clearly confused.

  Reina glared at him, deadpanning him. "Because. He clearly isn't listening to me and my words of concern. If he doesn't care...he doesn't deserve my friendship."

  Minji sighed. "Reina... you should at least speak to him, he's totally clueless," she told her, touching her arm.

  The cafeteria was full once again today, and the cameramen were just as loud and annoying as a week ago. To be honest, Minji thought to herself pensively while eating a granola bar, they're starting to get on my nerves. Although they still hadn't bothered her directly; asking her for directions, or even more embarrassing: an interview, the simple fact that they bustled around the hallways and took up so much of the school's cafeteria  bothered her even though the cafeteria was supposedly spacious enough. 

  "I'll try. I just need to cool down... " Reina answered, slouching on the table, glancing at her iPhone. Sighing, she added; "honestly, I don't even know why this got me so mad in the first place... I just"

  Brielle, who just sat at the table, gave Reina a small smile. "Reina~, don't worry about it. It'll pass."

  Laying her head on the table, Reina only managed to muster a long groan. Something behind her caught her attention, and she stood straight up, brushing her hair back nonchantly. "Speaking of the devil..."

  George , with a couple of friends; including Clark, were heading towards their table. Minji sighed. "Christ."

  Olivia frowned. "Are they sitting with us?"

  The sound of boys chatting got closer and closer and it made Reina want to bury herself alive. She was tired of hearing George's chirpy, cheerful voice. And most of all, it made her stomach twist into knots when she saw Clark laughing along.

  "Hello!" George said cheerfully, sliding his chair right beside Reina, making her flinch. "Are you coming to the party?"

  Minji gave Reina a careful glance. Don't push it ,  her look read.

  Sighing, Reina propped her elbows onto the table and glanced at George. "Dunno. I might have volleyball that day" she answered, giving him a fake apologetic glance.

  George pouted, his brown eyes wide. "Can't you skip it?"

  "Probably not." Reina deadpanned, trying not to roll her eyes. "Anyways, I'm going to buy some food-I'll-"

   "I'll go as well." Clark said, standing up from his group with a 5 dollar bill in his hand.


"Reina- talk to me ,  please ." Clark begged, almost jogging to keep up with Reina's quick strides. Reina glanced at him, her eyes cloudy and dull. "I don't get it Clark," she said, a frown on her face.

  "What? What do you not understand? Please tell me what I did wrong." Sighing, Reina stopped in the middle of her tracks and glanced at him. Normally, someone like Clark would intimidate her. A six foot two sixteen year old with shoulders that are way too broad for his age. His arms were crossed, and his eyebrows were knitted together in concern; his usually light and friendly blue eyes, a chaotic and stormy sea.

  But this was Clark, her best friend since pre-school. They had literally done everything together-they even got potty-trained in the same potty. And was this how she was going to act?

  "'re just...George." Reina stammered, glancing at the linoleum.

  Clark rolled his eyes. "George? That's what's bothering you? I can't believe you would ignore me because I'm friends with someone you don't approve of." He said, glaring her down.

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