v : unexpected vs. expectations

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   "Alright, let me get this straight. You ran into Kim Namjoon at lunch?" Sa-Yoon repeated herself for the second time, after the bell rang at the end of the day, and the students were rushing through the halls, desperate to escape the school or attend extra-circulars.

  Reina signed and answered a lame "yes" while walking down the stairs, textbook in hand.

  Minji chuckled lightly. "And I thought I was the clumsy one." The three girls walked together through the green landscape, laughing.

  Sa-Yoon grinned. "You're sure a lucky girl Reina; next thing you know, you're going to get one of their phone numbers." She teased, poking Reina's right arm.

  Reina snorted in disbelief. "Ha. Funny. Would the company even allow that though?" She stopped in front of Sa-Yoon's first period building, the Science building, glancing at her two friends. "Also, if anyone got their numbers, you would be the first." She finished.

  Minji nodded. "True Unnie. Use your popularity to get them to finally admire you. Turn the tables at them." She smirked, teasing her around.

  "Shut up, Minji-ah." She said, slapping her lightly on the arm, earning giggles from the three of them. "Anyways, I have a bus to catch, " Sa-Yoon said, glancing at her phone screen. "See you all tomorrow in class !"

  "Alright, bye!" Reina said, as Minji waved silently and watched their friend walk into the science building.

  Turning to Minji, Reina cocks her head to one side. "Hey, did you know Clark has a crush on someone?" She asked her, her voice tenacious. Minji snorted aloud, and burst into a coughing fit. "Yeah, " She answered, her unusual cough dying down. 

  Reina groaned. "Ugh, why doesn't he ever tell me anything?" She grumbled, rolling her eyes, exasperated. Minji raised her eyebrows, suddenly interested. "Don't know. Why does that matter though?"

  "Well you see, we're friends, so I think it would make sense for him to tell me this kind of stuff." She answered, her voice dull.

  Minji sighed, a sense of pleasantness seemed to surround her. "It's alright, I'm sure there's a reason to why he's doing that." She told her, brushing her blond hair over her shoulder.

  "You're not making any sense..." She groaned as she entered the World Studies building. "I told him that we should talk about it, but he probably ran off to soccer practice." She told Minji, while heading up the stairs to her locker.

  Minji smiled. "You'll catch him one day,"

  Minji found it so ironic that Reina was the one who knew about everyone's love lives, she was the one who would usually first notice crushes; but when the romance is about her; she was completely clueless.

She chuckled to herself, happy that she knew something Reina didn't.

"Anyways, how was your side of the class Minji? You had your bias over there... looked like paradise to me." Reina hummed, leaning against the locker beside Minji, her head pressed against it.

  Minji sighed dreamily, as warmth coursed through her body. "Oh, it was wonderful! We didn't talk, but I saw him smiling at me while I presented! The luck!"

  Reina laughed aloud. "That's great. He seems so nice."

  Minji nodded, "he really is ! Ugh, how I wish to talk to him...why is he an idol?" She complained, closing her locker in sadness.

  "You sound like Juliet from Shakespeare's play, Minji." Reina teased.

  "Jimin, Jimin, wherefore art thou Jimin? " Minji teased back, to which Reina burst into laughter.  But she soon realized she was Juliet, the young, naïve teenager , fawning over her Romeo, someone she knew she could never love.

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