Part 2

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Warnings for this chapter? Um.... Sadness?


Siren made his way to the clinic to check on Idle. He is so worried for him. So he tried to go as fast as he could. Gladly, when he arrived, Idle was already awake and Fika is handing him a cup of water.

"Idle!" Siren said as he rushed to Idle's side, cupping his cheek. This made Idle blush.

"H-hey.... Siren...." Idle responded with a blush.

"How are you Idle?" Siren's voice was laced with worry. This made Fika jealous since she is just there at the sidelines, watching her senpai interact with soneone else.

"I'm fine... Thanks to Fika most of my wounds are healed... Except...." He trailed off. Will he tell Siren? He doesn't want him to worry.

"Except what?" Siren asked, worry laced in his voice.

"Fika looked at my soul a while ago.... And...." Siren looked at Fika. She was blushing and looked at the side. For some reason, Siren felt jealousy in his soul.

Fika saw Idle's soul?

Usually, monsters just don't let others see their soul unless that monster is important to them. A relative, a family....

A loved one....

Siren looked down, wishing that it was him who saw Idle's soul. "She did now, didn't she?"

"Uh-huh.... And what she saw is.... There were...." Idle kept trailing off. He doesn't really know how to say it. "Siren.... There are cracks on my soul."

This alerted Siren. Cracks on Idle's soul? How?! That's impossible through punches unless....

Siren lifted Idle's shirt. Idle was surprised at this action. Even Fika was shocked. Oh how she wished she was Idle right now. Siren saw bandages wrapped around Idle's ribs and a stinge of medicine. He slowly removed the bandages near the sternum and there he saw it.

A clean cut from a knife.

He let go of Idle's shirt and left Idle a blushing mess. Fika was speechless as well.

"Why didn't you tell me...." Siren fisted the bed sheets angrily.


"Since when did they use a knife on you?" Siren growled angrily. This made Idle scared. Even Fika was gripping her seat out of fear.

"T-two weeks.... Ago...." Siren suddenly grabbed Idle's arms. This made him wince at the pain. He tried to remove Siren's hands but he is stronger than he looks.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?! You're gonna be dust if this went unnoticed longer! You're on the verge of dying, Idle! You'll die if that crack isn't healed soon!!" Siren said almost shouting.

Idle was on the verge of tears. His arms hurt so much. "I-I'm sorry..... Siren.... Please let go.... You're hurting me..."

"Siren let go of him!" Fika said, pushing Siren away from Idle. Siren let go of Idle's arms and Fika immediately hugged Idle. "Idle, stop crying. I'm here." Idle just hugged her back and sank in her arms. Siren just watched for a few minutes before he tried to go to Idle's side.

Fika blocked him. "Siren, I know you're worried yet it seems that you bring discomfort to my patient. If you would please leave him alone for today, that would be great." She said sternly. She might be in love with Siren but her priority is her patient.

Siren just stayed silent and muttered a sorry before he left the clinic.

He was so angry. He's angry at that student from 3-C, the girl who ordered the student, the person who cut Idle and he is angry at himself for hurting Idle. And the way Idle just hugged Fika.... He'll never forgive himself for this.

A girl was listening at the conversation in the clinic. She smirks at this and left when Siren was about to open the door and leave. Her plan is right on track.

Fika checked Idle and saw that he was still sobbing. "Idle... Where does it hurt...?"

"Everywhere.... Even in my soul...." Idle said as he put his hand on his chest, right above where his soul would be.

"I'm so so sorry I failed to keep you safe... As the school nurse I should have seen the cracks sooner...." She said with worry.

"That's fine, Ms. Fika." Idle smiled a little. This also made Fika's smile return a bit.

"I promise... I'll protect you... From now on..."

When school ended, Fika took Idle home cause she isn't confidentvof him going home alone. She did hear about what happened to Xahji. Good thing that Snazzy was there to save her.

And.... They are actually dating? That news spread fast, to be honest. Like, everyone saw them enter school holding hands and Xahji giving a kiss to Snazzy.

But aside from that, she promised to take care of Idle from now on. Since Idle is just a few houses away, she might as well take him with her to school every morning. And they are in the same class so she can keep an eye out for him.

Perfect. She'd do a great job at protecting him.

At least, that's what she thought....

To Be Continued~

Part two is here! Yes, this story IS connected to the other fic of mine, My saviour. I submit those to Rouge-pai. Just a little spoiler though. ;)

And Siren x Idle...... I think I have gone too far. And yes, Fika will be important in future chapters.

If you are confused, this is what's currently happening:
-Siren thinks that Idle likes Fika
-Idle thinks Siren hates him
-Siren thinks Idle hates him
-Fika knows that Siren and Idle like each other
-Fika swore to protect Idle
-Idle is DYING
-someone is plotting to endanger Idle

That's all! See y'all next chappie!

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