Part 4

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Idle climbed the last set of stairs as he finally reached the rooftop. Going up was tiring especially when you have a backpack.

Idle sighed and opened the heavy rooftop door. He remembers this place.

"At least she got her happy ending...?"

He could still remember Colonna's smile when she said that. It's what inspired him to write more stories.

"Hey, Idle!" Colonna waved, sitting on a bench nearby.

"Hey, Colly!" Idle smiled.

"Remember this place, Idle?" She looked down, reminiscing the past.

"Yup. Thank you." Idle said.

"For what?" Colonna wondered.

"I was inspired to write more stories when you suggested it. Remember?" Idle looked at her.

"For only one suggestion? Oh, please. Does a small suggestion affect so much?" Colonna raised her eyebrows.

"Yes. And I thank you for it." Idle said.

Colonna looked down as a few tears strayed down her cheeks. "Thank you, Idle." She hugged Idle tightly.

"Colonna? Did I say something wrong?" Idle said in worry.

"No. No, you didn't. Just...." Colonna released her hug. "Thanks for being my friend. Despite everything." Colonna was starting to have doubts in her plan. Why did she choose the rooftop again? It will make her regret this decision.

"Here. These are homemade cookies." Colonna pointed her thumb at her. "My specialty."

"Thanks." Idle said as he opened. "Can't wait to try it."


"Almost there, guys!" Siren shouted.

"Right behind you!" Cray shouted back.

"We need to hurry or it'll be too late!" Fresh panicked.

"Kindly explain?" Cray frowned.

"We have no time!" PaperJam said.

He and Siren pushed the heavy door of the rooftop and got out.

Once it was fully open, they saw Idle on the west part, hugging Colonna.

"We need to hurry!" Cil ran and opened the doors for them. Fastest way from east to west is the south hall. Since the shape of their school is like an upside down trapezoid, then it's faster on the south hall.

"Oh no! Colonna gave him something!" Swifty panicked.

"Let's go!"


"You sure you don't want some?" Idle asked.

"Nah. I'm good. I just want you to try it." Colonna said.

"It doesn't have a weird ingredient, does it?" Idle closed his eyes, acting like he's inspecting it with a giggle.

"What? Of course, not. What do you take me for?" Colonna acted offended.

"A friend who likes to feed friends with food that has weird ingredients."

"Hey! I'm not that cruel!" Colonna pouted.

"Yes, you are. Remember the choco with frog meat?" Idle complained.

"Of course, I do. And Xahji avenged for you through mashmallow with pig feet."

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