Chapter 20

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"You should get ready for work." Caroline sigh. I smile and caress her cheek.

"I love you." I murmur before pressing my lips to hers. She smiles.

"I have work and you have school. We need to get up." I sigh at her words. I'm back to school today.

"Way to ruin the mood." I pout. She laughs and wraps her arms around me.

"Come on. Only a month until graduation and then it's just your exams. After that you're a free woman." I smile and roll my eyes.

"I'm not a free woman. I'm a taken woman. A very happily taken woman." She smiles and presses we lips to my neck.

I get up out of bed and start to get changed into my uniform. I have to admit, wearing an ironed uniform not only looks better but feels better.

I turn to Caroline, smirking as I watch her get dressed. She's wearing dress pants and a white button up top that she's tucked into her pants.

I walk to her and kiss her, her hands on my hips. I pull away and smile at her.

"You're just too gorgeous." I say with a sigh.

"So, am I driving you to school?" She asks. I sigh and nod.

I have given Jesse my car so he doesn't walk to school. It's easier for him to be able to ensure his safety. At the moment he's staying with Alice a couple nights and us a couple nights. Even Mason has offered to let him stay at his but Jesse isn't too sure about that.

So now I have to get myself another job and save up to get another car. Caroline offered to pay but I said no. I don't want to use up all her money. I know she has her savings. Which are quite up there since she was a psychologist before she was a teacher. I want to do this on my own.

"I'm going to ask Alejandro about that job." I say as we walk out to the car.

"That's a good idea. But you know you don't have to. You can focus on your schooling and then go from there." I nod.

"I know but I just need to be able to contribute. I'm like a leach, just depending off you." Caroline sighs and kisses my forehead gently.

"Are you wanting to go to university?" She asks. I shake my head.

We haven't really spoken about my future. I buckle in and she starts te car, driving off before starting up the conversation again.

"Why not?" I shrug and move my gaze to outside the window.

"I just never had that set in my sites. I have too much already. Between trying to get my mother locked up and now my dad on the run too after he violated his good behaviour terms. As well as having Elizabeth and all her expenses. I always just thought of going straight into the work force." I say in honesty.

"But what about now? Now that you have Mason helping with Elizabeth it doesn't fall all on your shoulders and Jesse has just gotten a job and you've got me to help you. Have you thought about it since?" I shake my head.

"I mean, I get that it's more of a possibility now. But I don't know. I'm not really that good at anything." She glances my way.

"You're good at a lot of things. You're good at drawing, at photography, at writing and you're scary good at history physics and biology." I smile up at her. She's obviously read my report cards.

"That could get you into so many courses. You could do medicine, psychology, marine biology, forensic anthropology, forensic science, criminology, anthropology, archeology." I lean over and press my lips to hers as we stop at the red light. This stops her from rambling on.

"Okay, I'll think about it." I say with a smile. She smiles back and takes my hand in hers.

We get to school and I get out, first quickly kissing Caroline while we're still in the car. When I get out, Peter and Jesse come straight up to me, hugging me.

"Miss me last week boys?" Peter pouts and throws himself at me.

"Yes, never do that again." I laugh at his dramatisation of everything. He pulls back with a grin.

"Jesse boy has been talking about this mysterious lady friend you're staying with." Jesse smirks at me, amusement in his eyes. I sigh and face palm.

"You can meet her soon." I say in an annoyed mumble. We all walk inside the gates together toward homeroom.

I walk up to Alejandro and hug him, he smiles and hugs me back.

"Alejandro, does your friend still want a secretary for his firm?" Alejandro smiles.

"Yes he does. I will let him know you're interested." I smile and hug him again before walking to my seat with Jesse and Peter.

"Alejandro is going to help me get a job." I say smiling.

"Cool, as what?" I smile.

"As a secretary for a mans law firm." I say shrugging. He nods.

"Well when you start working maybe you'll be able to get me an internship." I give him a confused look.

"As what?" I ask.

"A lawyer." I look at him wide eyed.

"I got an early offer into Sydney University for a law degree." He says. I smile and hug him.

"This is fantastic. We should celebrate. How bout dinner at mine? Both of you. This way you can meet my girlfriend too Peter." He grins and nods his head eagerly.

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