Chapter 6

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"Why do we have to get up" I whine at Alice as she tries to get me up and ready for school.

"Because school is important" She chuckles. I groan and roll over on my bed so my head is covered by the pillow.

"No go away" I whine.

"No, I'm taking Elizabeth to mine. Hurry up and get ready" I roll my eyes and get up once she's out the door with Elizabeth.

Today is my last day with her, Mason is coming to pick her up and have her for next week. I hope he's going to be okay if she has another fit. And I hope he has a place for her if he needs to go to work. I feel the buzz of my phone, telling me I have a message.

Morning Pippi, hope you had a good night sleep xx - Caroline

I smile and squeal in excitement. She finally text me, I know it sounds girly but it's been almost a week since I gave her my number, I was waiting patiently for her to text me after our make out a couple days ago. With a grin on my face I text back.

Good morning my forbidden fruit ;) hope you didn't dream about me too much - Pippi

I laugh at my own message. As I wait for a reply I start to get ready for school, a motive to want to go to school being etched into my brain. My Caroline will be waiting for me at school. Her beautiful lips, those beautiful curves. Everything about her is beautiful, the way she doesn't wear the things everyone else wears. She likes her colours, her patterns. Everything about her is gorgeous and I can't help but admire her. Everything that people may think as a flaw or an imperfection, I think is perfect. She's perfectly imperfect.

I place on my uniform rather slowly. I may want to go to school but that doesn't make this uniform any less uncomfortable. Once it's on I hear my phone buzz. With a small smile I open her message.

I'm your forbidden fruit hey? Well does that make you Eve, the one who can't resist the temptation? I won't lie, you were in my wasn't very PG either ;) - Caroline

I laugh slightly in shock. I don't think she's ever really been so forward like that. Maybe it wasn't her behind the message. Maybe one of her friends took the phone off her. I know Jesse and Peter love doing that to me and to each other.

Haha, are you feeling well? I don't think you've ever been so daring with the dirty talking...not that I don't like it ;) - Pippi

Within a few seconds of sending my message, my phone buzzes again, I think I'll be running out of credit if we keep this up all day. She's worth it though, she's worth everything to me. I open her message and read it while putting on my shoes with my free hand.

I'm feeling fantastic, there's a first for everything Pippi, Never did I think I'd end up with a student...then you come walking into my classroom, leaving me breathless - Caroline xx

I can't help but smile, I have that much of an effect on her? I wonder how long she's had these feelings for me. I mean, these only really developed for me after I crashed into her car. When I fall for someone I fall hard and fast, that's why I was engaged to Mason and having his child so suddenly. I mean, I've learnt to try and hold in these overwhelming emotions, try to go slow with my partners but with Caroline I feel myself falling more and more with every thought, every sight, every messege, every touch. Everything that revolves around Caroline makes me fall even more for her.

I'm glad I have this affect on you, I'll see you at school my forbidden fruit xx I need to get going - Pippi

With that message I walk out of my little aparment and to the shared kitchen. I walk up to elizabeth and kiss her head before going to get some already made pancakes, I love pancakes. I watch as Alice occupies Elizabeth, she's so good to Elizabeth. I know it must be hard for her to take care of my girl everyday but she knows I need to get my education to better my chances in getting a good job. Speaking of which, Mr Gonzales, or Alejandro rather, has hooked me up with an interview tomorrow for that secretary job at some lawferm.

"I'll see you tonight baby" I say kissing Elizabeths forehead.

On my way to school, I find my palms going sweaty with excitement. I get to see her today, I get to have my time with her. I mean I know we agreed to no personal time between us at school, but just being in the same room as her, having her by my side or in front of me even is like a dream come true. And knowing she is mine still baffles me to no end. She's too gorgeous, too perfect to be true.

"Good morning Pippi" Mr Gonzales greets me as I walk into homeroom.

"Morning Alejandro" I greet back with a smirk as he gives me a half hearted warning look.

He's told me to call him by his professional name during class and his first name after school. Like I actually listen to that though. He's like a brother to me. I wouldn't call my brother by his last name if god forbid he were older and my teacher.

"How's my little niece?" He asks once I'm sitting on his desk, my legs swinging by habit.

"She's good. She goes to Masons house tonight" I say, I sigh softly. I don't know how well I'm going to cope without her for a whole week. I mean what am I gonna do? Alejandro pats my knee softly.

"You're doing a really great thing by letting him be a father to his daughter" I smile and nod.

"I know, it'll just take some getting use to with her being with him for a whole week" I admit.

Smiling he pats my knee once again, a sigh to say everything will be okay, that it'll get easier and that she needs his father and I know it. I guess Mason needs her just as much as she needs him. I walk to my seat and sit down as Alejandro takes the roll and says the announcements before heading off to his wife's class. Claire Gonzales. She's a great lady, walking in I walk to her and hug her, I know I'm in a good mood and she knows it too. It's rare I hug people that aren't family.

"Good morning, you're in a good mood" I smile with a small nod and walk to my desk without saying anything.

As the day progresses, Alice sends me photos of Elizabeth and the cute little things she's been doing. I walk into my ancient history class texting with a smile on my face.

"Who you texting?" Caroline asks from beside me, a small smile on her lips as she reads over my shoulder.

"Alice keeps sending my photos of Elizabeth, look" I show her the photos of Elizabeth half way through laughing, her clapping, playing with bloc and the cutest of all is her falling asleep leaning on Alice's dog.

"She's absolutely adorable, just like her mother" I blush and smile, still not looking up from my photos. Once I've sent a text back I look up at Caroline.

"You look beautiful today" k compliment her quietly before walking to my desk where Peter is waiting for me.

"Finally, you like to take you're time don't you?" He asks. I laugh and roll my eyes.

"Not like you're the fastest person in the school" I retort. He chuckles and nods his head in agreement.

I look up and watch Caroline. I know I need to tell her about what's going on with my parents, why I live where I live, why Mason and I broke up but I just can't bring myself to start that conversation. If she asks I'll tell her but I know she's waiting for me to feel comfortable enough to tell her, I don't know if I'll ever be able to tell her, to be that bare and exposed to someone is asking a lot of me, I can't do that sort of thing, not unless I'm forced to do it.

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