Chapter 15

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Jesse and I decided that we would walk to school together and take Elizabeth for a walk to a local daycare, try to see if she can last a day.

I'm getting ready in front of the mirror when Caroline walks behind me and wraps her arms around me, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Not long until you don't need to wear that stupid uniform again." I smile and nod, turning my head to hers I press my lips softly against hers.

"Are you sure I can't change your mind about letting me drive you." I caress her cheek softly.

"I'm sure, it will be good for Jesse and me to spend some time together and good for Elizabeth to go for a walk instead of being cooped up I the car or the house." Caroline nods and kisses my cheek before walking over to her bedside, grabbing her phone off charge.

"I'm still driving you home right?" I smile and kiss her forehead.

"Of course, Jesse said he's pick Elizabeth up." Caroline nods and walks back out of the bedroom.

Once I'm dressed and Elizabeth and Jesse are ready, we head out the front door.

"So, do you think dad is going to try to hurt us?" I turn to Jesse, we're about half way from the daycare by now.

"I don't know. He's a violent man, most likely he's gone wherever mum went though. I'm pretty sure they had some sort of plan." Jesse nods his head.

We stay silent again until we reach the daycare, I say my goodbye to Elizabeth as does Jesse.

"Reckon she'll last the day?" I smile.

"I doubt it honestly but she's going to have to get use to it." Jesse nods.

We start our way to school. Half way to school a car pulls up on the side of the road. Dad gets out of the car and Jesse has the sense to run. By the time I realised he's calling me to run too, it's too late, I've been punched in the stomach, along with some more punches and kicks as my body hits the floor.

I see Jesse watching in horror. He then runs to dad and tackles him, he has dad on the ground and beats him up, but it doesn't take long until dad has him shoved off him.

"I've already belted you. It's her turn." Just as he walks to me, I kick him in the sack and try to run off, with Jesse helping me stand up.

We get close enough to the school that dad drives away, not risking being caught. I walk into home room with Jesse's help and Alejandro looks at me in shock. Walking to me he wraps his arms around me and picks me up bridal style.

"Jesse go over to the principals office, tell him to head to the nurses office." Alejandro instructs.

I'm wimping in pain as the adrenaline wares off. Alejandro rushes me to the nurses office. I'm laid down on the bed, as the nurse inspects my wounds. Pressing down to see if there are any breaks of internal bleeding.

I feel myself slipping into unconsciousness. As I do I think of Caroline and Elizabeth.

"Caroline..." I murmur in a haze.

"Who?" Alejandro asks.

"Elizabeth..." I murmur this time in my hazy state.

"We need an ambulance, and quickly." I hear the nurse yell out jaunt as everything went black.

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