Chapter 21

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Caroline watches me as I walk into her classroom. I smile and wink at her. She gives a small smile back and rolls her eyes.

I sit down with Pete. He gives me a hug before getting his work books out. I feel like it's been a while since I've been able to just sit in her class with no drama arising. No phone calls about my daughter or my father. No arguments with her after class. Just total normalcy. Aside from the fact that I'm look up at my girlfriend who is currently trying to teach me and the rest of my class. That's a bit odd but something I can live with.

I look at her and I can't help but smile. I know I still have a lot of crap going on in my life like needing to find my father and get him and my mother thrown in jail and the court case that will follow. Alongside applying to universities and getting that job Alejandro is trying to set up for me.

The bell rings to finish class and I slowly pack my things so I'll be the last out of the class.

It is now recess, which half the time I spend with Caroline anyway.

"So,  did you need to borrow some of my clothes for the interview?" I smile at her gesture.

"Yeah I wouldn't mind it. My clothes are still pretty pathetic." Caroline wraps her arms around my waist and kisses my nose.

"it's not about the clothes you wear. It's the way you wear them." I nod my head.

"you know what clothes you wear best? " I ask her as I traced my hand down from her cheek to her neck and color bone,  tracing the hem of her top just above her breasts.

"What?" She asks. I smirk and tug slightly at her top,  making her show slightly more cleavage.

"None." She just shakes her head at me and smiles.

Once recess was finished I make my way to Alejandro's class. He smiles at me all excited.

"so,  are you ready for tonight?" I roll my eyes at him but smile.

"You seem more excited about this then I am." He grins at me. I smile.

"Yes I am. And thank you for setting this up." He smiles and shake his head as if to say don't worry about it.

I sit down next to Jesse and Pete. Both of my boys in my class with me. For the first time in a long time I can't help but feel like things are looking up.

The day dragged on pretty uneventful for the most part. And soon I find myself being persuaded to put on a black pencil skirt and a light blue button up shirt with stocking and black heals. The works. I've never felt so girly in my life.

Caroline smiles and hugs me as I check myself over in the mirror doubtfully.

"You look beautiful." I shake my head.

"You're my girlfriend you have to say that." She smiles and nods.

"True but that doesn't mean I don't mean it." I smile and kiss her cheek.

"Okay I'll be back soon." She nods and kisses me good luck as I walk out of the door.

I follow the directions and find myself in front of a building that seems to have a countless amount of levels.

I walk up to the reception and find a lady there. She smiles at me as I walk to her.

"What can I do for you?" She asks.

"I'm here about a job." She smiles and nods.

"You need to go to level twenty-four and see Mr Stanmore." I nod and go the elevator up to the top floor.

Looking for the office door with the name Stanmore I finally find it and tap the door.

"Come in." I come in with a deep breath.

The interview ran smoothly and soon I'm on my way home to tell my girlfriend te good news. She has been preparing for Jesse and Pete to come for dinner not long after I get home.

She's in the kitchen the smell of roast chicken wafting through each room I can't help but lick my lips.

I see her with her back toward me. Her apron on and her hair in a messy bun. I can't help but watch her. I'm so in love with her that I'll never be out of love. She's so beautiful and caring and driven. 

In this moment I make it my mission to make her my wife. I will ask her to marry me the day I graduate. I walk to her and wrap my arms around her. She turns and gives me a soft kiss.

"How did it go?" She asks.

"I got the job." I say smiling. She grins and kisses me again.

"I'm proud of you. Now go and get changed. Our guests will be here very soon." I smile and nod, walking to our room I change.

When I come out of our room the door bell rings. Pete and Jesse are there so I let them in with a hug each. Caroline has dressed herself and has the food being served. She walks to us and I can't help but laugh at the look on Petes face when he sees our teacher walk up to me and kiss my cheek.

"Holy shit!" Pete says in disbelief.

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