Chapter 7

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CAUTION, there is most likely some sort of steamy going ons in this chapter. Not quite sure yet since I'm writing this before finishing the whole upload!



" you want to stay at my place tonight? I mean I know you won't have Elizabeth with you. I just don't want you feeling lonely." I smile up at Caroline and kiss her cheek softly.

"I'd love that, if I'm not intruding." I say in all seriousness.

She relaxes and pulls me onto her lap as she sits behind her teachers desk. I've been waiting back after school for half an hour to just talk and hang out with Caroline as she marks papers.

"I wouldn't have offered if I didn't want you over. And I'll always want you by my side." She murmurs softly against my neck as she places soft kisses.

Smiling, I close my eyes and crane my neck slightly so she has more access. Her arms wrapped securely around me with my hands tangled in hers around my stomach. Her hot, soft lips leaving me breathless and wanting more.

"H-How much longer u-until we can leave?" I ask with short gasps of pleasure interrupting me.

"We can leave now." Her beautiful silky voice whispers seductively into my ear.

I moan softly as I feel her teeth lightly graze my earlobe. She pushes me gently off her lap, he lips never leaving my shoulder as she trails more hot kisses along my exposed skin.

"I just need to get my keys." She says as she finally pulls her body from mine.

Looking in her eyes I see a fiery passion burning in her eyes. Lust and love all combined into one powerful stare that I can't help but hold. Once the keys are in her hands we make a speedy exit to her car.

Her hand on my thigh as she drives to her house. I'm so glad the uniform is a skirt, it means her gorgeously smooth hand is touching my bare skin. I smirk, placing my own hand on her thigh, her breath hitches slightly as I start to caress her skin. I moan as her hand squeezes my thigh slightly.

Slowly and sensually, I creep my hand further up thigh, under the gorgeous black dress she's wearing. The farther up I go the hotter her skin is. I stop at her panties and softly caress her inner thigh as she moans softly.

"Pippi... I don't think this is a good idea. I might lose concentration." She tries to fight off the moan forming in her throat.

"It's okay, I won't distract you...much." I whisper as I lean closer to her ear.

I smirk when Caroline gasps and moans from the feeling of my fingers softly rubbing over her panties. The grip on her steering wheel has tightened, Caroline's knuckles going a little white.

"Pippi..." She sexily growls my name almost warningly but at the same time there's an almost yearning tone in her voice telling me to keep going.

For the next few minutes of the car ride to her house I tease her with soft rubs making her want more and hot kisses left on her neck and shoulder. She finally parks the car outside her house.

Unbuckling her seatbelt she leans over and smashes her lips roughly against mine. I can't help but smile at the amount of force she's using in this kiss.

She's so undeniably sexy when she's turned on. She licks my bottom lip asking for entrance which I deny her. A sexy growl leaves her lips. I pull away with a soft laugh.

"It's nice to know you want me so bad." I say smirking.

She blushes and smiles, caressing my cheek softly she leans in and presses her lips to mine sweetly this time.

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