The Gift of Love

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 Lilly sat there looking at her girlfriend. She smiled at Delia. She began to play with the simple ring on her finger. She smiled fondly at the memory of when Delia got done on one knee and proposed. When it had happened they had just gotten to work. Lilly was signing some papers for Mister Richard. Delia had been a smiling mess all night and refused to answer Lilly when she asked why. Jon, a fellow co-worker, had come and took her papers half way through saying: You should rest your hands. Delia smiled at him and thanked him silently. After Jon left Delia just couldn't sit still. Lilly was working (You need to lighten up said Delia) and Delia was moving around the room doing nothing that would help.

 Delia, finally, broke and asked Lilly to follow her. As they walked down to the cafe Lilly kept asking where they were going and why. Delia only smiled and shook her head. Then they got where they needed to be. Lilly watched in shock as Delia got down on one knee. Will you marry me? Lilly thought Delia should know the answer to that question



What did Lilly say?

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