Untitled Part 19

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Alright. So my friend, @baby-impala, tagged me in something. So here it goes. BTW, I HAVE  NO ONE TO TAG.

1.Sexuality- Confused

2.Gender- Female

3.Current Emotion- Bored

4. Favorite Song at the moment- Castle By Hasley

5. Hair Colour- Dirty Blonde w/ bright blonde highlights

6. Zodiac Sign- Aquarius

7. Who i was raised by- Mom, dad, and step mom

8. Favorite colour- Deep purple

9. Favorite Food- Pizza with ranch

10.Phone Percent- 18%

11.Famous Crush- Benedict Cumberbatch

12. Describe yourself in one word- weird

13.Eye Colour- Darkish blue lighter in the middle

14.nine and- 3/4

15.What do you want to be- A writer

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