Hai guys decided to make a new story
Chapter 1
Elizabeth P.O.V
I became something I was againist.
( when it started )
"Elizabeth get ready for your first day at school" my mom shouted at me. Ughh first day at my new school I hate it. I got ready by taking a shower, I blowed dry my strawberry blond hair don't worry I'm not the Barbie doll girl I have short legs an arms I weigh 125 I skinny but not skinny skinny you know anywhore I kept my hair wavy but pulled the front of both of the sides of my hair back in braids. I put on a over size white sweater so it hangs off one shoulder and skinny jeans with turquoise wedges ( a/n have u ever seen liv and Maddie where liv sings let it snow well Beth is wearing those shoes but hers are turquoise if u haven't then watch it on YouTube sorry back to the story.) I put on a gold locket hey I want to impress today. I grabbed my floral print back pack and went down stairs "aw sweetie you look pretty" my mom said hugging me "mom I'm 17" I whined trying to get out of her tight grip. "I know I know come on we have to go, go get an apple for you to eat on the way there." she said "well no I wasn't gonna bring it to eat it I am bringing it to through out the car window while we're driving down the road." I said in a duh tone.
( at school )
I got out of the car waved by to my mom and walked through the parking lot. Guys kept smiling and waving at me I just waved back an they blushed well this is a good start at my old school I didn't have very many friends I was a misfit and so were my other friends we got bullied a lot and I miss my old friends but at least I have a fresh start. As I was walking a guy came up to me "hey my names Niall what's yours" he asked omg he was super cute and his blue eyes are beautiful."Umm hi I'm Elizabeth" I said I went to shake his hand but he gave me a hug I was surprised I got tingles. "you know Beth your really pretty" I just looked down and blushed no ones ever said that to me I mite actually be popular here. " um thanks" I said still looking down "you wanna sit with me and my friends today at lunch" he said. "ya sure" I said. "bye Elizabeth" he said winking and then turned and walked away, omg I think I'm gonna faint. He is gorgeous. A girl wearing a big time rush shirt ran up to me "um hi I'm Jen did you know he and his friends are the most popular group in this school every girl wants to be with them Niall is like the leader it's good when he talks to you and he asked you to lunch eeee omg your so lucky obviously because your gorgeous thats understandable eeee I wish I looked like you um I have to go bye" she waved an ran away jeez she was annoying wow that was really mean being popular is getting to my head crap I got to go get my locker combination and get to class. As I was walking to the office I ran into someone cause I was texting, I looked up and beautiful brown eyes met my bright green ones. "hey sweetie you new around here" he said "um ya I'm Elizabeth" I said smiling up at him "hi I'm Zayn so are you the new girl everyone is talking about" he said with a sexy smirk whoa two new sexy guys I already met. "so you already met Niall I here" he said with another sexy smirk damn it I have to control myself to not Jump on him and make out with "hmmm wow you could have just asked" Zayn said fuck I said that out loud next thing I know Zayn's soft lips are on mine I kiss back are lips move in sync. God he's a great kisser. What am I even doing he this control over me. i wrapped my arms around his neck and he had his hands on my hips,he licked my bottom lip to ask for entrance I let him are tongues fought we pulled apart out of breath "bye" he said with a wink and walked away what the what is with everyone winking at me today.
(a few days later)
I was sitting in class flirting with this one guy with curly hair and green eyes he's adorable which I learned from niall that his name is Harry "class we are gonna have another class for the rest of class because their teacher had to leave it was a Emergancy so if some of you could give up your seats that would be lovely." Our teacher said I got up and so did others as another class walked in I went to the boy I was flirting with and sat on his lap the teacher didn't care he was to busy on his computer "I'm Harry by the way" he whispered in my ear which sent shivers though out my body. I turned and looked at him he smiled and his dimples appeared they are adorable "I know" I giggled. I leaned in and put my lips on his they were so soft I took my lips off of his "I didn't catch your name love" he said in a deep British accent. "Elizabeth" I said taking the cream colored beanie off of his head and putting it on mine and reattaching my lips to his why was I being such a whore today all these cute guys are getting to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I cupped his cheeks. We stayed like that all class I heard kids in class whispering about it "shut the fuck up and mine your own business" I yelled and started kissing Harry again. Once the bell ring I got off his lap i waved bye to him and walked out I didn't take anything with me to class because the principal said I didn't have to take anything to anyone of my classes to day because they are still doing exams here and I already had mine done. Anywhore as I was walking out of the class room a girl walked up to me she had brown wavy hair, she was wearing a navy blue blouse with a white blazer over it with white skinny jeans and bright red heels she was really pretty "hi um you must be Elizabeth I'm Sarah" she said "yep that's me nice to meet you Sarah" I said shaking her hand "Um Elizabeth do u want to sit by me at Lunch today" she said kind of nervous "there's no need to be nervous and sorry but I can't I'm sitting with someone already" I said "oh um if it's just because you don't want to then I understand" she said with a sad expression "no thats not it at all listen um why don't you come to my house today so I can make it up to you um here's my number and address" I said as I put it in her iPhone with a smile " sure I would love that and here's mine" she said putting her number my iPhone 5s and smiling right back at me. "bye Sarah"
I said waving and walking off.
( lunch )
I walked in and saw Niall I walked over to him and sat on his lap he look surprised but then relaxed when he saw it was me at the table I saw Zayn and Harry I'm not sure who the others are though. " hi Beth" Niall said "hi Ni" I said kissing his cheek "hey Beth can I have my beanie back now" Harry said while chuckling "no you may not have it back right now I look cute in it so I will give it to you later" I said smiling "alright whatever just make sure you give it back ok" he said pointing at me "ya what ever hazza" I said rolling my eyes I know what your thinking she was just making out with him and now they are acting like it didn't happen. Well I don't know why I kissed him and he knows that I'm confused on why I did it to but that's ok cause he's ok with it and so I'm I. While the others started getting their food I may have started grinding on Niall what I was board and I wanted to see if he would get a boner and he did ( fuck Beth stop I don't want the boys to see) he groaned in pleasure. I rolled my hips making him groan quietly in my ear, I smirk at him ( oh you want to play that game) he smirked. ( Ni ) I giggled as he playfully bit my ear he kissed my jaw line and my neck he stopped once the boys came over I still haven't met the other two. ( so are you guys like dating oh and I'm Louis ) he said waving at me ( hi Louis I'm Elizabeth and no we're not ) I said blushing at thought of me and Niall dating ( depends you want to go do something this weekend) Niall said ( um sure I would love to) I said blushing a darker shade.
( end of the day )
I was a my locker when Sarah came up to me ( so my mom said she will just drive me there once I get home I ride the bus so um see you at your house) she said waving and walking away. ( hi gurllll) Harry said coming up and kissing my cheek and taking his beanie off my head. ( hey haz ) I said and kissed his cheek back. I saw Niall walkin up to us but I just ignored him and continued to talk to Harry ( hey babe) Ni said hugging me from behind ( hey Ni).

I've changed(1D)
FanfictionHi I'm Elizabeth and I became something i was against. I was the girl that got bullied the nerd the one who was emo who always had her nose in a book and got really good grades.