Elizabeth P.O.V
(almost a month later)
"Beep beep beep"I slammed my hand down on my alarm clock. I did I mention I moved into my dads mansion well I did and its huge here. Anywhore Ugh Monday. I mite as well get up. I jumped into the shower you know did my stuff. I put on peach ripped skinny jeans and a white lace crop top. I put on black vans, I straightened my hair and grabbed my phone and book bag. Once I was downstairs I grabbed an apple from the kitchen . After I ate my apple there was a knock on the door. I opened it and Niall was standing there."hi Ni" I said and kissed his cheek. " Come on baby lets go to school" he said wrapping his arm around my waist.
We were walking and talking about random things. " no I'm cereal like why would you not want a unicorn" I asked all over dramatic " I would rather have a dragon than a unicorn like dragons breath fire" " but unicorns are magic and they poop rainbows and stuff" I argued " dragons are better" " no unicorns" I said playfully pushing him " oh girl na you did not just push me" he said getting all sassy and snapping his fingers in a z formation. " oh yes I did " I said getting sassy " your gonna get it Beth" he said playfully. He picked me up and spun me " ahhh Niall" I squealed. He held me up " put me down " I whined " nope I'm good" he smirked put me over his shoulder and walked to school.
Once we got to school I was dizzy from being upside down. " Ni I think I'm gonna throw up will you put me down now" I said slowly. " oh ya guys are looking at your ass anyways so I was gonna" he quickly put me down. I stood there for a minute. The world was spinning. " oh my god Ni your never doin that again" I said trying to walk but failed when I tripped on my foot. Niall caught me. " you are annoying I can never get hurt around you can I" I asked " nope" he said smirking. He brought his face close to mine. Our lips connected I heard a bunch of awes from girls who pasted while we were snogging. " what a whore she's so ugly and she's tryin to steal my man" I heard the annoying voice i hate so much. I stopped kissing Niall and walked up to her " oh ya I'm the whore ok sorry I can't kiss my boyfriend and um are you sure I'm ugly because have you took a look in the mirror lately and last time I checked he was my man" I said getting in her face. She slapped me "what ever your probably just using him I mean he's ugly"
. oh no she didn't , I kicked her shin really hard and she fell. I kicked her in the stomach and went to kick her again but Niall wrapped his arms around me from behind and lifted me up. " you can call me names but don't call Niall names " I spat at her " it's not worth it its not worth" Niall chewed in my ear.
He put me down and we walked inside. " hey Bethy poo" Harry said walking up to me and and hugging me " hey hazza bear" I said hugging him back. " so you two huh" he said wiggling his eyebrows. " shut up" I said blushing. " Aww look Niall she is blushing wook" Harry said teasing me. I covered my face turned around and hid my face in Niall's chest. I felt him laughing. " come on stop Harry before she turns into a tomato" they laughed even more. "stop it" I whined lightly slapping Niall's chest. " You guys are mean" I said pushing past them and walking to my locker.
" Babe I'm sorry It was a joke" Niall said coming up to my locker " I know" I said all cheer full as I got my stuff out and put my back pack away. "Wow I thought you were mad" he said rolling his eyes. " I was but I can't stay mad at you guys" I said pinching his cheek. " stop" he chuckled slapping my hand away. "I have to get to maths I don't want to be late" I kissed his cheek and left.
I was chatting with Harry while we were in class since I got done with my home work and so did he. " So I saw that girl walk by that you beat up this morning she was crying and limping while holding her stomach" he said smiling " well she made fun of Niall so I kicked the shit out of her" I said. Harry just laughed at my comment. " it was a bitchy move to do slut " I heard an unfamiliar voice say. I saw a girl with blond and hot pink hair, bright ass hot pink lip stick on and bright pink eye shadow. She had on very short shorts on that were also you guessed it pink with a pink shirt. " wear enough pink little miss Barbie doll" I sassed back " listen slut you may think your all that but your not" she said all snotty like " um whore she was never talking to you to begin with so mind your own business skank" a girl spat I turned and saw a very pretty girl wearing white skinny's and a peach blouse with peach flats, she had black hair that was to just passed her shoulder blades, she had tan skin. I watched her glare at the girl with pink hair. " what ever " I heard the pink haired girl mumble. " thanks " I whispered to the girl diagonal from me. " No problem I'm Tayland " she whispered backed. " I'm Elizabeth" I waved to her. " Girl I know who you are the whole high school is talking about you and I'm friends with Sarah plus my locker is two down from yours " she said enthusiastically. " We need to hang out some time" I said smiling " omg sure I would love to" she smiled backed " here hand me your phone I'll give you my number" I said she pulled out her phone and handed to me. I put my number in her iPhone and txt myself a smiley face so I have her number " ok there you go btw I love your case" I said admiring her purple sparkly case that said keep calm and carry on "thanks" she smiled " you want to sit with me at lunch well I sit by my boyfriend but I don't eat here we usually skip class and get something you can come with if you want" I asked " oh sure I never eat here either" her smile stayed on her face. The bell ring and we walked out together. The rest of the day I spent skipping school with Tay.
(next monday)
It was pretty late after school and most of the teachers were gone. Tayland and I had to help one of the teachers plus Harry and Niall should of just gotten out of detention. I shut my locker and turned to Tayland. When I felt myself being pinned up against my locker " hey hun " a voice whispered in my ear. I turned and saw a boy with short blond hair. " um please let me go" I said trying to get out of his grip but he just pushed me up against the locker more. He grabbed me hips pushing his against mine. Which was very unpleasant. " let me go" I struggled " can't do that " he smirked " let her go " I saw Tayland standing there. "go away bitch" he spat at her " no let her go" she said trying to get his arms off of me "I said no" he used one arm and pushed her hard, I watched her fall and hit her head on the floor pretty hard. Her eyes became misty and tears fell because of the pain. He turned his head back to me and slammed me head into the locker he pulled my face close to his and then slammed my head back again. next i knew i was on the ground as he kicked me in the stomach as hard as he can. I was roughly pulled back up and pressed back against the locker. Tears fell down my face as well. " you need to learn how to control your friend" he spat in my ear. His face was close to mine as I felt a bulge grow against my leg. I turned my head to see Tayland getting up wiping away tears, I thought she left already. " Tay get Niall " I told her. She nodded and ran to find him. He was grinding on me which made it even worse. I squeezed my eyes shut. Then I felt the weight being lifted off of me I saw Niall had him pinned against the locker and Harry hugged me tight.
I saw Niall beating the crap out of the guy. My eyes widened and I gasp as I saw the guys face all disfigured and bleeding. He was out cold but Niall kept throwing punches. Harry put my face in the crook of his neck so I didn't have to see it. "Niall thats enough" I heard Harry say sternly. " Niall come on that enough Niall Niall NIALL THATS ENOUGH" I flinched and backed away from Harry. " no Beth I'm sorry" he came up to me hugging me again. I glanced at Niall and saw his face, his eyes were dark in with anger his muscles flexed as he tried to control himself. Honestly he looked fucking scary I didn't want to go near him. I already know my eyes were wide with fear. "Fuck Beth" I heard Niall say he look at me and his eyes softened. He walked over and took me from Harry's arms. " We're leaving come on beth" I went and grabbed my stuff I put my skateboard that was in my bag but I put it in his I handed him my house key and phone.
" Ni where's Tayland is she ok" I asked concerned " ya her boyfriend took her to the nurse" he said looking at me " who's her boyfriend" I wondered " Liam" he said " Liam?" it came out more of a question. "ya the guy with short brown hair has a birth mark on his neck" Niall said tryin to get me to remember him. " oh ya I didn't know they were dating" I said curiously. "ya they've been dating for two weeks now" he told me.
(That weekend)
he grabbed me by the waist. He closed his eyes and leaned in and so did I. He pecked me on the nose. Im feeling a lot better I have a bruise on my head and stomach but I'm feeling better " you fuck-tard I thought you were gonna kiss me you made me drop my precious board" I said running away from him and picking my board up hugging it. " hey hurtful thats not nice to call people names" he ran to catch up to me. " well you teased me" I smiled at a him as he pouted. " Sorry you know your so mean today" he said wrapping his arm around my waist. " I know I'm a bad girl" I said acting all tough " baby don't flatter yourself to much there" he said playfully "your lucky your popular or I would beat you up to but lots of girls would be after me since they like all bow down to you" I said all cocky " well lots of the guys bow down to you" he said pulling me closer to him. " Not my fault " I smirked at him "you need to stop being so beautiful" he kissed my head. " not my fault either" I laughed " is it fun being cocky " he joked "ya it is" I smirked. " look yay my house" I yelled and ran up to my house. Niall ran after me "dude do you have me key". I said worried " oh um ya" he dug in his pocket and gave my baby blue key. " yay thank you" I said relieved. I put the key in the lock and unlocked the door. I walked in the house or I should say mansion. "Whoa" Niall said amazed at the inside of the house. " ya it's amazing I know" I walked to the living room leaving Niall at the door. " you coming Ni". I yelled " oh ya" he hurried after me. " the maid is usually here but idk where she is" I wondered.
Hey guys I wrote this cause I'm bored in dentition I got a dentition for kissing my boyfriend so ya Anywhore vote comment add to library bye lov u ~Rebel Xxxx (wow I'm done with myself~2015 bria)

I've changed(1D)
أدب الهواةHi I'm Elizabeth and I became something i was against. I was the girl that got bullied the nerd the one who was emo who always had her nose in a book and got really good grades.