Niall P.O.V
I drove us back to her house and we ran inside. "so Beth where's your dad" I asked looking around. " um... oh he's in Italy" she said like it was nothing. "whoa is he ever around" I asked as we walked up the white giant spiral stair case. " not really..... but I'm used to it I mean he was never home when I was a kid either so nothing different" she said walking into her room. " oh I had a dad but he died" I said looking at the ground. " I'm sorry Ni" she said hugging me." its fine I mean you like never get to see yours I do so what's it like being all rich with like no one ever here" I asked sitting on her window seat.
"Umm... well it's cool but I mean when I'm all lonely I really have no one to turn to so that kinda sucks" she said standing next to her bed and dropping her book bag. " hey Ni I'm gonna go get changed so um just stay here" she said walking into her closet "ok" I looked around her room observing it. She came out in a baby blue hoodie and she changed into some black yoga leggings. "um I can not find my contacts I didn't wear them to school today cause I forgot to put them in but I can't find them" she said frantically searching. " don't you have glasses" I asked. "ya I guess I have to wear them now" she went to her drawer on her bed stand and pulled out geeky glasses and put them on. "Don't make fun of me" she said pointing at me. " ok I won't but you do look adorable" I said standing up and kissing her nose. " I have to do homework so come on we're going to the living room" she grabbed her bag and my hand as she dragged me down stairs.
"Ok just sit here or go do whatever" she said sitting Indian style. Beth started pulling out her math book, note book and pencil. " ok I'm gonna go explore" I said "ok take your phone so if you get lost you can call me" she said handing me my phone but not even taking her eyes off the math book. "ok mum" I said rolling me eyes taking my phone from her.
I walked upstairs looking through the rooms. I saw a door that was light pink and had a tiara on it. "Hmmmm.... I should videos tape this" I said out loud I don't know why but I feel like I should video tape things instead of taking pictures. I turned on my camera switching it to video I clicked the button making sure it was video taking.
I opened the door to see a whole bunch of pictures. The room was light pink it had a huge bookshelf that covered a whole wall. The rest of the walls but one were covered in pictures of her and her family and friends I'm assuming. I walked in looking at some of the pictures. She wore her glasses. One of them she looked about 15 and she was standing with a girl with purple hair and Beth had baby blue hair they both had snakebites and septum piercings and dimple piercings, heavy eyeliner and dark clothes. She used to be scene whoa. Other pictures she was with a scene guy and they were kissing and other pictures she was really young she stood next to a woman who I'm guessing is her mom Beth had her normal hair color her bangs were across her forehead she wore her glasses. She had so many pictures but one caught my eye she sat in a hospital bed she was scene and her arms were wrapped around the scene guy from the other picture was hugging her to as she buried her head in the crook of his neck.
I walked down the steps and to the living room. I saw Beth sitting there reading a book. I still had the video running. I pointed it at her. " hey baby what are your reading " I said sitting next to her "oh...... um The Outsiders" she said putting the book down and looking at me. " Niall are you video taping this" she said turning away covering her face. I set my phone against the vase so the camera was still facing us.
I wrapped my arms around her from behind pulling her hands away from her face. " don't be embarrassed" I said kissing her cheek. " I look horrible" she said turning to look at me. " no you don't" I said looking in her eyes. " I look like a geek" she said blushing at how much I was starring at her. "you look adorable princess" I said leaning my forehead against hers. "what ever helps you sleep at night" she said giggling " you help me sleep" I said smirking " don't be cocky" she said slightly pushing me. I couldn't take it anymore I smashed my lips on hers kissing her roughly. I tipped the camera over so it didn't video tape what we were doing. I laid her down on the couch not breaking the kiss. I slid my tongue in her mouth exploring it. Our tongues fought for dominance. My hands touched her thighs and she wrapped her legs around my waist. She nipped at my ear and kissed my jawline down my neck leaving love-bites. I groaned softly as she sucked on my neck. "Beth I'm home" I heard an older lady say and walk in she wore a tight black dress with with a fur shawl. and black heels she had a lot of work done on her face. "oh my what is going on here" she said putting here hands on her hips. "um Veronica what are you doing here" Beth said I could see worry in her eyes. "oh darling I have to watch over you while your dad is gone but it seems you already have company very good looking company" she winked at me and smirked. I'm very creeped out right now. I sat up and pulled Beth on my lap. "um.....I'm almost 17 I don't need a babysitter" Beth said glaring at her. "don't get sassy with me you little brat your dad told me to watch you and since he has money I'm going to do whatever he says so watch the attitude or I will tell your dad and get you kicked out of the house then you'll be on the streets cause I'm pretty sure your mom doesn't want you back after you left her on her own for no reason after she practically raised you and your dad never helped one bit" she spat at her. I watched Beth's eyes gloss over. Ok that woman took it to far. " my mom still loves me" I heard Beth's shaky voice say. I was about to interrupt when Veronica said something. "oh I'm sure she doesn't she probably found another guy and moved on with another family" she smirked. Beth wiped the tears away and tried to blink them away. " You know Elizabeth if you don't believe me then check on Facebook there's a whole bunch of pictures on there of her and a new family" she gave her a wicked smile.
Beth buried her head in the crook of my neck and I heard a soft sob escape her mouth. "thats enough" I snapped at Veronica as she was about to say something else. I picked up Beth and my phone. I brought her upstairs to her room.
There's gonna be a part two of sleep over cause I felt like its gonna be to long so vote comment add to your library ~BriaXxx(THIS IS SHIT OMG~2015 BRIA)

I've changed(1D)
FanficHi I'm Elizabeth and I became something i was against. I was the girl that got bullied the nerd the one who was emo who always had her nose in a book and got really good grades.