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Elizabeth P.O.V

I walked with Sarah and Tayland on both sides of me. We wore our cheer track suits and uggs as walked down the hall. "your a bitch" the girl that had pink hair came up to me I think her name is Shaylynn something like that. I'm not sure. "um look who is talking now go away your ugliness is effecting my eyes" I said and the girls ( Tay and Sarah) giggled. "Your ugliness has effected everyone" she snapped at me. " Aw I think your wrong cause um almost everyone thinks I'm gorgeous" I smirked I pushed her hard up against the lockers. "come on girls" I said waving my hand for them to follow. They laughed at shay and walked behind me. Some girl with scene hair ran up to me. "um hi I'm Emily what you like to sign up to be prom queen" she said quietly aww she reminds me of me when I was at my old school. "sure I would love to btw I love your hair and your stretchers" I said pointing to her ears after I signed the paper. "um thanks see you around um Beth" she said shyly " ya bye Emily" I waved to her and walked off with the girls. "you actually talked to the emo freak" Tayland said surprised. " yes I did and she is not a freak she seems like a very nice girl" I say. "She might actually have a chance at being popular for once" Sarah said. "ya I will have to talk to her in a little" I said smiled thinking about knowing her she kinda reminds of my old friend Cidney I miss her I will have to call her later today.

"We have a pep rally so come on" I said putting my stuff in my locker. "Ugh I forgot" Tayland sighed. "come on I don't wanna be late" I pushed my long hair off my shoulder so it fell back down to the middle of my back. I fixed the black and gold Cheerleading bow in my hair and started walking to the gym. Leaving the girls to go find Niall.

I walked into the gym and saw him talking to Liam while leaning against the bleachers.

I walked over to him. "hey Ni" I said hugging his waist. I feel so short I'm only like 5"4 and he is 5"8 ( a/n I think that's right) ya I know I'm almost 17 and I'm 5"4 don't judge me. See that thing your doing with your eyes don't do it.

Anywhore "hey Beth" he said wrapping his arms around me. I stood to the side of him so he had an arm around my waist. "why are we having this stupid pep rally anyway" Liam asked wow I thought he was supposed to be smart. "Basketball team you know the go Cougars signs around the school ya because they want us to encourage them to win" I stated.(a/n the cougars are actually the the school I go to Illini Central is our name but our mascot is a cougar and the colors are black and gold so didn't want anyone thinking I was naming their school or anything ok back to the story) "oh ok where is Tayland" he asked "I don't know she was down at my locker with Sarah last time I saw her but I'm not sure where she is now" she walked next to me right when I said I'm not sure. "you have perfect timing" I giggled.

"I know I'm cool" she joked. "whatever floats your boat Hun" I said laughing. "Hey where is Sarah" he asked oh ya they are dating I forgot about that. "she is talking to Whitney" Tayland said. "who is Whitney" I asked. "you took the words right out of my face hole" Louis said. We all looked him weirdly. "what" he asked. "nothing never mind" I smirked "Anywhore who is she" I said going back to the subject. "um chocolate brown hair that reaches her shoulders with carmel highlights" Tayland explained. "oh ok"

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