Niall P.O.V (surprise)
I grabbed her hand leading her through the woods. We stopped at the meadow. "its beautiful Niall" I said looking around in awe. " ya I came here all the time as kid I actually had my first kiss by the waterfall" I said she looked at me giving me a ' you really said that' look. I chuckled at her. " don't worry it wasn't a good kiss" I said kissing her nose to reassure her. " where's the waterfall" she asked looking around to see if she missed it. " um I think down that way" I said pointing to a clear opening which had a path.
"Can we go please Niall please please" she said jumping up and down making puppy dog eyes. " Ughh fine we can go" I said " yayyyyyyyy" she squealed and hugged me tight. " Come on Beth" I grabbed her hand trying to get her to follow me but she just stood there. "piggy back ride pease " she pouted and batted her eye lashes. "Ughh fine get on" I bent down a let her on my back. She got on ad I stood up. "yay now I'm taller" she giggled. " your to cute" I said as she giggled again.
I walked down the path with her still on my back. Honestly she weighed like nothing. "Ni put me down" she whined. I let her down and she started walking ahead of me. " hey wait up" I said jogging after her. "well I kinda here the waterfall" she said smiling like a little kid. " why are you so interested in the waterfall I have a clubhouse in a tree beside it" I said "whoa really can we go to that instead" she said jumping in joy. "ya baby we can" grabbed her by the waist and pushed her chest against mine and gave her a soft peck.
I leaned my forehead against hers as I looked into her big lime green eyes. "your so beautiful Beth" I whispered in her ear. She blushed and looked down. I used me index finger and put it under her chin lifting her head up. " Thanks Ni" she whispered quietly looking anywhere but my eyes. She is so shy when it comes to compliments sometimes. I let out a sigh. "Come on the sun is setting lets get to the tree house" I said grabbing her hand and we continued to walk.
"Omg Niall it's so pretty" she said looking at the waterfall. " ya the tree house is right there come on" I lead her to the tree house. I helped her climb up. " hang on Beth". I said getting in the tree house "ok grab my hand I will pull you up" I said reaching my hand out. She looked at me with wide eyes, looked down and back at me. " I don't know Niall" she said looking down i'll just say its a really long climb up and down since this tree is tall. " trust me baby" her eyes still wide with fear she grabbed my hand. I pulled her up a little once she was close enough I put an arm around her waist and pulled her all the way up.
"See princess wasn't that bad" I said pulling her body close to mine. " I'm never gonna do that again" she said scared. "its ok I won't make you" I said still hugging her. " ok come on" I tugged on her hand bringing her to the blue carpet "lay here ok we can look at the stars now" I said "but how" she asked me raising an eyebrow. " hang on Beth" I walked over to the corner and pulled on the rope. The roof opened up revealing the stars. " this is so cool" she said looking at the stars. " ya I know" I went and laid next to her.
I gust of cold wind blow causing Beth to shiver. I wrapped my arms around her pulling her to my chest. She snuggled up to me as we looked at the stars. I buried my head in the crook of her neck and lightly kissed there causing her to giggle. I sucked on her neck probably leaving a hickey. Her hands traveled my body. She gasped as I sucked harder. She tugged at the end of my shirt telling me to take it off. I just removed her hands and placed them on my chest. She let out a desperate whimper. I smirked and kissed her lips. "your suck a tease" she pouted " pay backs a bitch" I mumbled against her lips. "you butt" she pushed me playfully away from her and moved back away from me starring at the stars again. I grabbed her leg and pulled her back to me. "Niall" she giggled. I hovered over her and slowly placed my lips on hers. I used one arm to hold myself up and the other to grab her waist. I smirked into the kiss thinking of all the wonderful times we have had together. I should start taking pictures with her. I disconnected our lips and pulled out my phone. " what are you doing" she said eyeing me. " taking pictures with you because I need reminders for our memories" I said and held up the phone I kissed her cheek and took the picture and looked at it. I started laughing cause she crossed her eyes. " lets take more Ni" she said. I tapped the phone on accident but nothing happened. " look Ni a shooting star" I looked at her pointing to the star. " make a wish Beth" I told her " but your already with me so I don't have anything to wish for. " then it's our special star" I looked into her green eyes. She closed her eyes and started to lean in and so did I. My lip brushed against hers and she giggled. "Kiss me already" she smiled. I smashed my lips against hers. My phone beeped and I looked at it and realized it was recording the whole thing but someone text me thats why it beeped. "look Beth we're on camera " I told her. " Omg Niall" she said playfully hitting me. " sorry baby" I covered our faces with me hand and kissed her really quick. " say bye " I told her. " bye" she crossed her eyes as stuck out her tough(go me for not spelling that right~2015 bria) " bye " I said and chuckled at her.
I stopped recording and looked at my message it was from my mom. It said 'hi honey can you stay with someone tonight I already locked up the house and I'm leaving now so I love and will be home tomorrow afternoon'. " hey Beth can I stay with you tonight" I asked her. " sure I don't care I love when you stay" she smiled at me. " come on let's leave" I pulled her up and we ran back to the car.
Hey my babes how did you like it soooooo I Wuv u vote comment follow me and add the ur library- Bria ;)

I've changed(1D)
FanfictionHi I'm Elizabeth and I became something i was against. I was the girl that got bullied the nerd the one who was emo who always had her nose in a book and got really good grades.