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  "Mackenzie Matthews, give me back that breadstick right now!" Lani's yells echoed throughout the subway as she chased after the short brunette. Mackenzie paused right in front of the subway tracks and turned to face her honey-blonde best friend, her cheeks stuffed with the garlic buttery goodness. 

  "Too late," Mackenzie spoke through the mouthful of bread, grinning as she chewed. Lani gave the girl a stink eye as she stopped in front of her, a scowl on her thin lips.

  "You jerk, I wanted that!" 

  "You snooze, you lose." Mackenzie retorted, walking backward as Lani followed after her. A grunt left Mackenzie's lips as she accidentally backed up into someone. Her eyes widened in embarrassment as she saw Lani snort and cover her mouth to hide her laughter. 

  Mackenzie was quick to turn around and apologize, only pausing when she saw who exactly she had bumped into. In front of her stood Angel, aka the boy she had a major crush on. Mackenzie stood there in shock, quickly swallowing the breadstick she had left in her mouth. Angel gave her a small, lopsided smile as Lani leaned in to whisper into Mackenzie's ear.

  "This is the part where you say sorry." 

  This seemed to snap Mackenzie out of her state of shock as blood rushed to her cheeks causing them to heat up and physically showcase her embarrassment.

  "I-I am so sorry! I really didn't mean to bump into you, I just wasn't looking where I was going!-" She rambled, only stopping when a chuckle escaped Angel's full pink lips.

  "It's okay. You're Mackenzie, right?"

  "You know my name?" Mackenzie questioned, tilting her head slightly. She didn't think Angel ever noticed her, minus the day that Lani stood up to his friend group, the Fern Five. Even then she didn't think he knew her name. 

  "Yeah, we're in the same class after all. I'm Angel." He held his hand out to the brunette who took it hesitantly. Her cheeks flared up even more once their skin made contact and she avoided looking directly into his eyes.

  "Y-Yeah, I know. Everyone talks about you." Mackenzie giggled shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. The two stared at each other for a while before they were pulling their hands away, chuckling awkwardly at the prolonged handshake. Lani rolled her eyes from beside Mackenzie, stepping up and holding her hand out to Angel as well.

  "Hey, I'm Lani. The best friend." She grinned. Angel shook her hand as well as he grinned back at her.

  "Yeah, I know you too. No one's ever stood up to Fern the way you did. You've earned my respect." 

  "Good to know, I guess." Lani chuckled as she pulled her hand away from his. 

  "So, where you headed to?" Mackenzie questioned. Angel sighed and ran a hand through his floppy black hair. 

  "Fern and the others wanted to meet up at the park to watch these high school kids skate. I don't really want to go, but I have nothing better to do." 

  "Well you can tag along with Kenzie and I. We're going to this new art museum that just opened up." Lani suggested causing Mackenzie's eyes to widen. Her crush, potentially hanging out with her and her best friend? It's practically a dream to her. 

  "Really? You guys wouldn't mind if I came?" Angel's eyes glanced between the two girls.

  "Of course not. Right, Kenzie? Kenzie." Lani nudged the girl with her elbow when she didn't respond which resulted in a small yelp escaping Mackenzie's lips. Mackenzie immediately shook her head.

  "W-We wouldn't mind at all!" 

  A grateful smile stretched out Angel's face.

  "We should probably get on the subway before it leaves without us then." 


  The subway ride to the museum was filled with chatter as the three children sat side by side. They got to learn more about each other and their interests and Mackenzie found that she and Angel actually had a lot more in common than she thought they would. She also found that Lani would bring up conversation topics that would lead to Mackenzie and Angel talking more to each other than to her. She knew her best friend was doing it on purpose and Mackenzie honestly couldn't be more grateful. She'd have to remember to buy Lani as many breadsticks as she wanted in order to repay her. 

  Once the subway arrived at their stop, the three began on their journey to the museum. They paid the admission fee and headed inside, already amazed by all of the art pieces that were being displayed. They slowly walked through the galleries, occasionally stopping to admire pieces that caught their attention.

  "You know, this is my first time in a museum." Angel told Mackenzie as they stood in front of a portrait of a little girl with long red hair. Mackenzie turned to look at him in shock.

  "Really? How come you've never gone to one before?"

  "I guess I never really had anyone to come with me. This isn't really a place Fern and them are interested in coming to." Angel shrugged, his eyes never leaving the painting. Mackenzie eyed his side profile before turning back to the portrait as well. 

  "Well, now you know that if you ever want to go to another museum, you could always ask Lani and I." 

  "Does that only apply to museums?" Angel questioned, a small grin on his lips as he turned to look at the short Matthews girl. Mackenzie looked up at him in slight shock, a blush already forming on her cheeks. 

  "N-No, I guess not." She gave him a small smile before she was leading him down the hall to where Lani was waiting for the two of them. Mackenzie giggled as Lani grabbed them both by the wrist and pulled them over to a sculpture she had been wanting to show them. Her laughing was intensified as Angel circled his finger next to his forehead in a 'she's crazy' gesture. 

  It didn't take long for Lani to noticed and immediately trap Angel in a headlock despite how his height towered over hers. A fond smile settled on Mackenzie's lips as she watched her two friends interact before her. 

  This wasn't something she ever thought she'd be doing. Hanging out with friends in a museum, not a care in a world. Honestly, it felt really good. This was one of the few times where she wasn't worrying about catching her parents' attention or trying to be the best older sister for Auggie. All she cared about right now was making sure her and her friends had a good time. 

  So as the three of them quietly burst into laughter after being scolded by one of the employees, Mackenzie knew this was something she could get used to.  


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