17 | Turmoil

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"If the enemy is the shadow, would you blame the being that shields the light or the light itself? Just like man and earth, shadows and light exist together. Blaming one is wishing for the other to cease to exist."

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Somewhere between the overwhelm of watching my mom getting attacked and my turmoil after witnessing how I was like when I first came in to the view of her bloody form, I fall to my knees, my vision blurs and my palms fist against the floor as my head hangs down. Hurt. Pain. Everything is falling.

"It doesn't end here, JaeHee."

My head snaps up at the voice I grow to hold so much hatred for, all of them, I hate them three. "My mom, mom," I mutter as I hold up my broken self to stand and call my dad. She must not be alone.

"Hi, Yoonbi, are you okay babygirl?"

"Dad?" I say shakily, "dad, where are you?"

"Is everything okay? What's wrong?"

"Where are you, dad?" I repeat, my voice coming out desperate.

"I'm- I'm closing up my office and going right back to stay with your mom in a while, can you tell me what's wrong now?"

I was already pulling on shoes and rushing out of the house, there is no time, they must be still after her. This is not happening, I'm not going to let this happen, "dad I'll meet you in the hospital."

I hang up, my legs march the streets, the rush of anxiety almost covering up my physical pain. I always watched protagonists run for something so vital, but running for my mother now, I see the difference between being the bystander and the participant.

Time is ticking, pulling my fears closer, I run into the hospital and rush past the people with no second glance, I keep going, knowing that no one can even see me with my current speed. In my haste I skip the busy elevator and run up the stairs, taking even less time than some slow elevator.

My phone rings in my hand and I swipe it answered without looking who it is, "faster, something is not right."

I furrow my brows and look at my screen to see Suga's name, my paranoia comes undone and my heart leaps, "I- I'm here." I look at his back as he holds the phone. Stopping in my silent tracks behind his figure, I hang up and stand beside him.

"What are you still doing here?" I ask with semi-ragged breath. Suga turns to me calmly and suddenly pulls me against the wall beside him so we stand behind a corner in the hallway.

"I was going to leave, but something was wrong in the air, so I hung around for a while."

"Something?" I lean against the wall, casually making our shoulders brush, he leans closer to my ear and replies.

"I think someone wants to do something to the woman staying in room 630," my eyes go round and I disappear into the room he just mentioned, my mom's room, after I hear his last words, "your mom, I feel danger encompassing her."

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