36 | Uncovered pt.1

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I couldn't update last week because I had very bad connection and it kinda stopped working after I updated STB oop--
For now, I miss you so so much and I hope you enjoy reading!
See you at the end💜💜


"There is a limit to everything, and just like a bottle can burst from being filled by too much of whatever... it feels like someday, my heart will explode from being filled by too much of you."



"Enough is enough!" I shout and close the biology book I've been almost reciting to myself for the past two hours. According to my mom, studying is a never-ending duty. So I need to always revise because it'll be a huge problem if I made a mistake with the power of brilliancy.

"I don't get it! Why do I need to study what I know over and over again!" I complain to my dad when I'm beside him on the living room sofa, it's almost midnight and everyone is still awake because I'm having exams next week.

Who even feels exams this early? "So you won't forget what you learned, and your mom is so anxious about it all." My dad whispers then leans into my ear to continue, "she's a drama queen."

I smirk and nod in agreement before I sense the heat of breathing behind my neck, "I heard you both." Venom whispers sound and my dad and I jolt off the couch in a startle.

"Yoonbi yah? Weren't we going to sleep?" My dad turns to me suggestively. I check the time, ten to midnight, and scratch my head.

"Oh!" I fake it, playing along, "yeah oh my god look at the time, it's a Monday tomorrow you know, we need sleep!" I manage to act it out as my dad and I slowly move at a radius away from my mom and run upstairs, "good night!"

"Good night my ladies!" My dad tells my mom and me as he slams his bedroom door just before I do the same and plop down on my bed. Sleep doesn't come to me right away so I'm stuck counting the beds I've ever slept on till 1: 15 AM. My phone is long dead because my chats are on mute and no one calls at this time, making me turn in bed with huffs.

My thoughts take me to Jungkook and I smile, moving sharply on my bed in excitement. My smile drops when I remember how tired and sad he's been this week, "my poor Kookie." I whisper to myself, completely still now.

I feel my face frowning as I start thinking about what made him like this exactly, or what took him back to the pit I thought he escaped. If I could only break my promise and read him, I'll know it all. But can I really? Will I?

I shake my head, knowing I won't dare to do it so I let my eyes slip to sleep as I surrender, just as I'm almost there my phone rings. It takes me a moment to believe someone is calling me at this time, another moment to hold my phone and convince myself it's Jungkook.

Wow, he's creepy. I smile.

"Hey, Yoonbi?" He talks and my smile at his call falls when I hear his thick voice. It's so sad and fatigued, like he've been crying himself to sleep, or at least tried.

"Kookie?" I start, feeling my heart beat faster in concern, "what's wrong?"

He stops breathing heavily for a while then sniffles, "I can't sleep. I keep getting nightmares."

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