Season 4 (1)

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Farkle's POV

As Riley is hugging Maya, smiling, I look at her from a distance. I've been denying it this whole time, but I think it's finally too late. I think my feelings for Riley are changing, and I don't know what do to. 

Smackle is right next to me, it has always been her. And Riley has Lucas... Well, technically they broke up. But you never know. Riley turns to me and smiles. She charges towards me and throws her arms around me. 

I involuntarily take in the smell of her shampoo. Gold Roses. The shampoo Riley has been using since middle school. Smells like springtime to me. 

"Riley, are you okay?" I ask. Her pulse is beating dangerously fast. I can see her struggling for air. 

"I'm fine," she tells me, not daring to look in my eyes. "I've been like this forever."

Smackle pulls me and Riley away. "Okay, that's enough" she says. 

"It's okay, Smackle. Me and Farkle are just friends" Riley reports. She puts her hand on Smackle's shoulders reassuringly.

Maya and Lucas laugh from behind the counter at Topanga's. 

You know, everybody seems to blame the paranoia Smackle has on her autism, but maybe some of her observations are apparent beyond her disability. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to shake away the striking image of Riley Matthews. It isn't working.

Riley's POV (The day after, Riley and Maya are back at school)

"What now?" I ask Maya helplessly. This feels like the eighth grade dance all over again. Me and Lucas have apparently "broken up", because he thought I was leaving, but I'm not, so what now?

I slam my locker with a thud, and slide down on my bum. Maya steps in front of me, and consoles me. "Why don't you just ask Lucas?"

"Not as easy as you think," I crow under my breath. 

Maya rolls her eyes. "C'mon, do it today in History."

"Okay," I pout. These kinds of things still makes me nervous. The butterflies come at me like a hurricane. But, I don't know why. Sometimes, I just can't shake off the feeling of being nervous. It just, sticks.

I try to suck it up, though, and by the time we enter Mr.Matthew's classroom, I feel like I can take on the world. 

I enter with determination and speed. 

"Lucas!" I say, as I stomp in.

Mr.Matthews turns around from his chalkboard. "He didn't tell you?" He asks me. I take a few steps back, and lean cautiously against the doorway.

I look towards Maya for comfort, but there is none right now. I feel a churn in my stomach, and something funny in my diaphragm. I'm feeling sick to my stomach right now. Change, it's happening all the time, and I knew that. We all know things in our head, but when it's their turn to finally happen, it's like we never knew.

"Riley, step out with me for a second."

I take one step back in to the hallway. Dad joins me.

"I'm confused, Riley. Lucas moved back up to his original grade. Remember when he first came, he got pushed back one grade?"

I nod, following him.

"Well, he specially asked to be moved to the grade above again.."

I feel my heart pump up and down, and my knees going weak, like squid ink.

"Riley, Lucas isn't in your grade anymore, he didn't tell you?..."

Before I get to answering dad's question, I feel a pressure on my chest.

Something is pressing my head together. "Dad, I can't breathe!" I tell him, falling to the floor.

"Riley, Riley?" 

I see daddy's image before completely falling unconscious.

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