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Marley had calmed herself with a jar of peanut butter she found in the kitchen of the funeral home. She sat anxiously staring out the window as she scoops her fingers in the jar and ate until the taste nauseated her. She swiftly placed it back in the cabinet.

Marley brought her knees up to her chest. The 12 year old had a long day. She traveled almost a day to find this old place. After watching - or hearing; Marley couldn't get herself to watch - her mother's death by the deads. She didn't have much time to cry. She just had to run from the sight. They were too distracted by her mother's scream to even notice the girl run.

And Marley ran until she felt she was far enough away. Then the poor child climbed a large tree and sat on the highest branch. Then she finally allowed herself to cry. A loud but short one. Momma always told her not to cry. She'll get dehydrated. She wasn't allowed to cry when Macie died, though she did at night. But then she had water. Now she has nothing.

Marley felt guilt thinking back. She flung her backpack at the deads that were surrounding her mother. It hit her Mom causing her too fall. When Marley ran, she couldn't get the back pack that probably still lies next to her mother's eaten body.

But now that the funeral home had a whole case of water bottles; Marley allowed herself to cry. Just this once. Just this once when she can refresh herself. So, she sat in a ball in a chair and sobbed into her knees. Not loud ones. Not ugly ones. Just tiny cries as she tried to forget the image of her mother falling and being bitten.

Before she could finish her one last cry for a while the the door opened in the hall. She was going to find rope to tie it up but instead she cries. Macie told her it was a waste of time. And Macie was right. Now the wasted time of her cries could leave her dead. As she heard a giggle she grabbed her water and ran to to the back room. One where the dead bodies would go waiting for their funeral, but there were no bodies there now.

Marley held her breath leaning against the wall in the dark room listening the footsteps and muffled voices. A man's and a girl's. There were laughs. There were closer steps and opening of doors but the back room door never opened and Marley waited until the steps were far enough away slide to the ground and swallow the whole bottle of water.

She sat quietly in the dark hoping the people would leave but every time she tried to bring herself to open the door. Someone talked. The people didn't sound bad. The man hardly spoke while the girl had a very sweet voice that was appealing to Marley. She got the courage to come out when the girl began to sing and play the piano.

Marley walked on her tiptoes down the old hall; it smelt of dust. The singing made Marley think of her Macie. Macie was her mom's girlfriend, who took Marley in as her own. She'd sing Marley to sleep every night since the start of the end. Just a little tune to calm the girl's nerves.

The floor cricked once Marley got to the doorway of the room the girl was in. The girl quickly spun around in high alert but eased as she saw the scared child back up to edge of the hall. The man came to the girl's side.

"It's okay." The girl said standing in front of the man. "We're not gonna hurt you."

Marley nodded and held her breath.

"I'm Beth, and this is Daryl." Marley gulped and watch the girl step closer. The man grabbed a hold of her arm but she pulled it away. "What's your name?"

"Marley." Marley said lightly. Too sweet for her own liking but she couldn't seem strong.

"Would you like something to eat?" Beth asked. Marley nodded looking up a the girl. She nodded and patted Marley on the back leading her down the hall go the kitchen. Beth gave the girl peanut butter and jelly with crackers.

"How d'ya get in?" Daryl stood at the door way looking down at the girl.

"I hid when you got here." Marley said quietly looking up at the man. He nodded and sat across from Marley, next to Beth and grabbed the peanut butter. Marley stared up at the man as a wave of nausea consumed her. She couldn't help it. She had a nervous stomach.

Marley quickly stood and puked in the sink. But nothing but water came out. Marley took a deep breath and jumped when Beth placed a hand on her back.

A/n: short first chapters are my thing. Hope you like it.

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