Chapter 1

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I walked into the organization today to find my sister's Ari and Eden (No we aren't actually related we just seem like it) I walked over to them and when they saw me they smiled "Hey Jenna" Eden said with a smirk "Uh hi what's with the smirk?"I asked because I was so confused "You haven't heard?" Ari asked me with almost the exact same smirk as Eden "Heard what?" I asked again still confused "Your being sent on a mission with another spy as ur partner and you'll never guess who!" Eden said "Uh who?" I asked "Since its a special mission they picked the two best spys!" Ari said trying to hold back a smile and then I figured out who I was partnered with"Oh no!" I said and the girls shook their heads yes and burst out laughing "Yep!" They both said "Not him not Jhope!"
I said "Yep it's him but don't worry you will both be called in soon for details about the mission!" Ari said smiling "Omg why!!" I said "I don't know well we're gonna go get coffee we will be right back!" the girls said and walked the break room! If ur wondering why I don't want to work with Jhope Its because we have always been competitive with each other since we were 15 now we're 17 we have always been good friends but ever since he became more popular with his friends and top guy spy we kinda separated and now in training class he is always annoying but if ur wondering who his friends are there names are Jimin, Jin, Rapmon, Suga, V, and Jungkook also known as my big brother! Yes Jungkook is my brother he is second best spy but no they had to pair me with the best spy but oh well I just have to suck it up! Hopefully the mission won't last long! "Jenna and Jhope get in here now!" My father said also my father and mom are in charge/the leaders of the organization "Coming" Jhope and I said in unison we both walked up to the office and we both sat down next to each other cause that was the only place to sit! "okay so u both may know that u are going on a very special and important mission!" my father said "Yes!"Jhope and I said in unison again "okay then I'm going to give u the details they are on this piece of paper do not blow ur cover am I understood but I don't think that will be a problem coming form the top two spys!"My father says as he hands us a paper and Jhope and I look at it and it says: Dear Jenna and Jhope u will be going under cover to steal from the other organizations from different places in the world u can not blow ur cover and do not get hurt do not let ur partner down and save them be careful and get as much information as u can and take them down we will give u supplies now be safe spys and good luck!
(End of letter)
"Ok what stuff do we need and where will we be going"I asked "You will get everything u need when u leave in 4 hours and u will be going to Hawaii first then other places you Will get and be told and make sure to protect each other okay and do u understand everything u need to do!" My father asked and Jhope and I both nodded we were then dismissed and I went to find the girls and I found them of course by the vending machine trying to get extra snacks without paying money! "Jenna Oh good I guess u got ur information but be safe and good luck I know u aren't leaving yet just wanted to tell u that but um can u help with the vending machine cheat u always do?"Eden asked with a smile "Sure!" I said and gave a smile back I then kicked the machine well a spin kick and then 12 bags fell out then I flicked it and 20 more came out and I took 2 bags of chips then got 4 drinks just cause I wanted to then I hugged the girls Then went to get ready!
~4 hours later~
"we will miss u and good luck please be safe!" the girls told me and then we hugged and surprisingly my brother came over with the other boys to say bye to me "Hey sis please be careful and I love u" My brother said then gave me a hug I of course hugged back then the other boys gave me a hug one by one since they were kinda my friends to cause I've known them since I was born and we kinda grew up together they are also kinda like my brothers! We said our goodbyes then got out supplies and everything we picked to take with that wasnt already in the car then I got a bag of chips I didn't eat and two drinks I didn't drink and put them in my bag for later I then got some more stuff and helped Jhope take some more stuff to the car and of course the guys helped and when we were done we all hugged each other again and then waved good bye and I'm kinda surprised Jhope and I haven't said anything to each other all day! We that was about to change apparently when we borded the plane that is going to take us to Hawaii! Jhope sat across from me we had like 2minutes of silence then he started talking! "So are u excited for the mission!?"He asked "I mean I guess!"I said "Is it cause ur with me?!!" he said with a smile "Yeah right in ur dreams" I said like I would ever want to pair up with him by choice "Oh come on u know u like me!" he said "Im not like the other girls who fangirl over u and I will never like u Jhope!" I said thinking not after we drifted apart because of u! Then Jhope shut up or at least I think cause he was quiet for a moment and that's all I remember because I put on my head phones and fell asleep!
~When we land~
I feel someone is about to touch me because I always know I have very good reflects and very good sense so I grabbed the person's hand and open my eyes to see Jhope "Well looks like some one has good senses even when she's asleep" Jhope said and I let go of his wrist "What are u doing" I asked "I was about to wake u up to tell u we landed and the guys are taking our stuff to the hotel then they are taking off after we get a room then it's just us!"He said "Oh okay let's go!" I said He then stopped me and told me to remember that we need to pretened to be a couple so we can get into the hotel! I rolled my eyes and gave a fake smile we then walked in the hotel and went to the receptionist who smiled brightly when he saw us "Welcome how may I help a wonderful young couple like u?" he asked "We were looking for a room please!" Jhope said "Yes of course now how old are u may I ask and how long have u been together?" the receptionist asked us "Were both 22 and we have been together since we were 17 " I said and Jhope and I did the best smile we could as he put his arm around me to make it seem more like we were a couple "Oh that's sweet well here's ur keys ur on the 8th floor please have a nice stay ur in room 207 please have a great time!" the rreseptionist said and Jhope and I went to our room and I flopped down on the bed and got comfortable and when Jhope came in we argued about the bed I was laying on "Well what does it matter just go sleep on that bed" I said and he went over to that bed and layed down cause we were fighting over the bed for 10 minutes so he just gave up cause he knew I wasn't backing down or so I though he then came and tickled me but stopped after 5 more minutes then smiles and let me have the bed I also got the window seat! We both then changed and then took a nap so we could be well rested for everything that's to come soon on our mission!
Hey everyone I hope u enjoyed the first chapter of A hidden heart I'm sorry if I make a mistake or auto correct happens please comment and vote and keep reading thank u

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