Chapter 6

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It's been a week since I found out I'm pregnant I still havent told Jhope and I hate morning sickness so much but I'm okay cause I can't wait to have the baby I'm trying to find the perfect time to tell Jhope! "Hey how's it going gurl!" Ari texted me "Its okay how's it going with u!" I asked "Its great!" Ari said "Yea!" I said "Yeah well miss u and I've got to go talk to u soon bye!" Ari said and I just put my head back down on the pillow Jhope then got out of the shower with only Jeans on "Put on a shirt Pabo!" I said "No!" he said "Ugh!" I said then turned away he then turned me to face him and he layed next to me "So how are u feeling?" he asked "Im fine why?" I asked "I heard u throw up earlier!" he said looking concerned "Oh I'm fine I think I ate something that didn't agree with me!" I said and he just nodded then hugged me I was glad to be with him just upset we have to go back to the organization after 2 more items I wonder why they need the items! Oh well I trust the organization and I have to do as I'm told because I am next in line to run the organization! "Jenna wake up!" Jhope said and I woke up "I don't wanna!" I said "Come on wake up were on to the next item!" Jhope said "Make me!" I said "Fine!" Jhope said and he kissed me and I woke up "Okay let's go!" I said with a smile we then got on the plane and landed in Alaska "Its so cold" I said and the next thing I new Jhope put his Jacket around me and his arm and just smiled at me until we got to the place we were borrowing from a friend "This place is really pretty!" I said as soon as we stepped into the house "Yeah well let's go upstairs!" Jhope said I just nodded my head yes and when we got up stairs I layed down on the bed and it was so comfy Jhope then came and layed next to me and he then smiled and hugged me I fell asleep again and I think he did too but when I woke up I couldn't find him but then I heard pots and pans fall and that meant Jhope was in the kitchen I ran down stairs and saw Jhope making breakfast it was funny seeing him make breakfast but then he saw me "Dang it u weren't supposed to wake up!" he said "Why?" I asked "Cause u ruined the surprise!" he said "Oh does that mean u just want me to leave u alone in the kitchen!" I said and was trying to hold my smile but as soon as I turned away Jhope grabbed my hand "No don't leave!" he said I turned around and sat by the counter "Fine but what are u making?" I said "Pancakes and bacon!" he said with a smile and I smiled back (After breakfast) "So are u ready for tonight?" Jhope asked "What's tonight?" I asked "We have to dress up so we can get the item!" he said "Oh yeah sorry I forgot!" I said "Its fine but we should probably start getting ready!" Jhope said then kissed my cheek and ran upstairs I then went to the walk in closet and looked for a dress that was fancy I finally found one after 10 minutes of searching the huge closet I found a long sky blue dress with a diamond top and luckily the dress was long enough so no one could see the shoes so I picked sneakers then I did my make up and my hair then I heard a knock on the door "Jenna are u almost ready?" Jhope asked "Yeah! Also u can come in if u want!" I said then heard Jhope open the door and come in but he stopped walking when he saw me "What's wrong do I look bad?" I asked "No u look beautiful just like always!" he said smiling and I blushed but returned the smile "Shall we?" he asked putting out his arm and I locked arms with him (Jhope is wearing a tux and a sky blue tie) when we got to the place where the item is we ran as fast as we could upstairs to only find a safe but Jhope thought there were lasers so he did tricks and stuff as I just laughed and when he got to the end "Come on now u do that!" he said and I just walked through and he looked at me like I turned invisible "Pabo!" is all I said then opened the safe and got the item "I wanted to see u do a trick!" Jhope said "Ugh come on u Pabo!" I said and walked and at the end did a back flip and he smiled "Okay coming!" he said and we ran back to the car which wasn't there we then ran back to the house cause we didnt want to try and find the car! I then realised we have one more item before we go back to the organization and Jhope and I won't be together all the time on a mission together!

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