Chapter 4

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It was hard to wake up because I was having a lucid dream and I was so comfortable next to Jhope but when I woke up Jhope wasn't there anymore and I was kinda worried but I ended up falling back to sleep again and 2 hours later I felt the blanket be pulled off of me I then curled in a ball to keep warm then someone came over and started tickling me and I just laughed a lot and rolled around until that person kissed me on the forehead and I knew it was Jhope I opened my eyes to see Jhope with a plate of food "Wakey wakey sunshine!" Jhope said with a smirk "Ugh no!" I said and rolled over so my back faced him I could hear him then put the plate down and the next thing I know he turned me so I was facing the ceiling and he climbed on top of me holding my wrists down and all I could do is blush and stare at him "Are u gonna get up!" he asked with another smirk I shook my head no and the thing I know his face was getting closer to mine and he stopped not even an inch away from my face I could feel his breath "Are u sure cause I don't mind kissing u again!" he said I didn't even move he then leaned in closer and the next thing I knew he was kissing me I liked it but I dont know why! Maybe I do like him! He then pulled away and let me go and handed me the plate of food I ate some but I wasn't that hungry when he realised I only ate a little he looked at me with big eyes because I normally eat a lot "Are u okay?" he asked and I just nodded I mainly wasnt hungry cause I had butterflies and they got worse when he came closer and sat next to me he then put his arm around my shoulder and I could tell I was slightly blushing he then pulled me into a hug "Jenna I like u a lot!" he said "Okay" I said kinda confused with what to say "Will u be my girlfriend?" he asked and pulled away from the hug still holding my shoulders I blushed then nodded yes and smiled he then kisses my cheek and smiled brightly he then went to get dressed in the bathroom when he came out he wasn't wearing a shirt I then quickly looked away blushing "What!" he asked and I could tell He was smiling or smirking "Put on a shirt Pabo!" I said "Why were boyfriend and girlfriend now!" he said and I looked back at him and saw his abs and muscles "Please put on a shirt!" I said and he then walked towards me and pushed back down on the bed and climbed on top of me again holding my wrists down "Why do I need to put a shirt on!" he said I was blushing he then kissed me and the kisses started trailing down to my neck and then to my collar bone he then pulled off my shirt and he then unbuckled his belt and then unbluckled mine (I have a belt on because I'm wearing jeans as well as him) he then took off his pants and mine he then climbed back on top of me and started kissing me from the stomach up and when he got to my neck he found my soft spot and I moaned he then put his thing in me and then out (I'm just gonna skip to 4 hours later cause I feel embarrassed but I tried so I hope u were okay with that smut) so 4 hours later Jhope and I fell asleep cuddling and when I woke up he was awake and rubbing circles on my arm he smiled when he saw I was awake he then pulled me closer to him and I put my head on his chest and he put his head on my head we just layed there for a while till we both got a message on our phones and when we checked it was the organization saying we're leaving tomorrow to another place and we both sighed and rolled our eyes we then looked at each other and smiled we both then got dressed and went out to eat holding hands the whole time well most of the time and we were both tired when we got back so we fell asleep almost immediately and the next day was there in a flash it was time to get a new item for the organization Jhope went to take stuff to the car and as I was about to go out the door I quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up and when I heard the door open I quickly flushed the toilet and washed my hands and washed my face "Hey are u ready?" Jhope asked "Yeah let's go!" I said and grabbed my bag all I could think about was how sick I felt and if What if I was pregnant because Jhope and I ya know well I will just wait till we land (Time skip to when they land) of course I fell asleep again Jhope then woke me up but this time he was smart he grabbed both my hands so I couldn't hit him but I kicked him by accident of course and I apologized to him and we walked out I then went to the store to get a pregnancy test and I took it at the store so Jhope wouldn't know and after I took it I waited a little until when I looked at the test it showed a positive sign I was pregnant but was not gonna tell Jhope until after the mission and I was worried about his reaction!

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