chapter 3

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Jhope and I were watching the cameras I then looked at his hand which was right next to mine I don't know why but I felt like holding it I guess he saw me look at his hand cause he was looking at mine we both then looked at each other in the eyes at the same time and then Jhope grabbed my hand and held it lightly we were then looking in each others eyes when suddenly we saw out of the corner of our eyes the golden carrot we both got up at the same time still holding hands I smiled then looked down "You can let my hand go since we got to go!" I said blushing slightly "Maybe I don't want to!" Jhope said smiling brightly "What ever let's go!" I said even though I also didn't want him to let go we ended up walking down stairs together holding hands until we had to go our separate ways to get the carrot I went to the safe where I think they went with the golden carrot and I was correct but then someone pushed me against the wall we started fighting I kicked him but he grabbed my foot he then twisted my foot making my foot and ankle hurt a lot then I turned into a side ways spin kick even though it hurt then 4 other guys came and I was about to be fine for I was already on the ground being punched and kicked by these guys when Jhope came and took out all 4 guys he then came over to me and say down next to me "Are u okay?" he asked me I couldn't answer or I would cry not because he saved me well yeah because he saved me and because it hurt that I couldn't even save myself and also I was hurting from where I was being beat up! Jhope then put his arm around me I looked up at him with teary eyes and he didn't make fun of me like I thought he would he just pulled me in for a tight hug which hurt not cause he hugged me tightly but because of being punched and kicked but he left go I think because he saw I was hurt he then got up and put his hand out to help me up I excepted but it hurt because of my ankle he stopped and looked at me when he saw I was limping "Are u okay?"he asked I responded with weak smile and nodded yes but he could tell I was lying "Hop on!" he said bending down for me to get on his back I just shook my head no "Get on!" he said I shook my head no again "Fine!" he said I thought he was done then the next thing I know he is picking me up bridal style carrying me back to the hotel "Put me down!" I said trying to get him to put me down "No ur hurt u Pabo and besides were almost there!" he said with a smile "Exactly so put me down" I said "No!" he said then ran to the hotel and when we got to the room he layed me on the bed then got a first aid kit and then came back to me and took off my shoes and I took off my socks even though it hurt he then wrapped a bandage around my foot and ankle he then threw me a pair of shorts and a tank top and told me to change then he went in the bathroom I got changed but when I looked at my right side and the right side of my stomach I saw a giant bruise and a big cut that was bleed in the middle I then put the tank top on and told Jhope he can come out he then came out and looked me in the eyes he then looked at me shirt then I looked down to find a giant blood stain forming he than walked quickly over to me "Lift up ur shirt!" he said "No!" I said back "Your bleeding" he said "Im fine!" I said "No ur not lift ur shirt before I make u!" he said "No" I said about to walk away he then grabbed both my wrists and made me face him he then lifted the shirt to reaveal the cut,bruise,and blood his eyes widened then he looked at me he then pushed me onto the bed and got the first aid kit again he then treated the wound and when I tried to get up he pushed me back on the bed "What are u doing?" I asked "You need rest" he said "Im fine!" I said "Its late now go to bed we got the carrot so we can go to sleep now" he said coming closer! "But I'm not tired" I said even though that was a lie he then got in bed next to me and put his arm around my shoulders giving me a arm pillow he then pulled me close to him I felt so comfortable I just closed my eyes and a few minutes of so he asked "Jenna are u awake!" I just pretended to be asleep he then put his arm over my waist and pulled me closer to him I tried not to smile "I like u Jenna I just don't know how to tell u!" he said and I tried once more not to smile all I could say in my head was I like u too the next morning I woke up once again next to Jhope holding onto me I still stayed there comfortable until he started to wake up I pretended to be asleep again he then kisses my forehead and pulled the blanket up on my shoulder he then got up and got dressed and I heard him order room service before I fell asleep the next thing I new he was waking me up and when I opened my eyes to see a big breakfast cart set up with lots of food for us to eat I then got up and went over to the cart and started eating he then looked over at me and laughed I just looked at him confused he then came closer and my heart started beating more he then wiped something off my face "Your a mess!" he said smiling "Yeah yeah whatever!" I said returning the smile he then hugged me tightly again "How's ur side?" he asked and I just shrugged and layed back down he then layed back down next to me he put his arm around me and smiled "What ya doing" I asked "Nothing" he said "Do u like me is that why u put ur arm around me!" I asked already knowing the answer "What no!" he said "Lies!" I said "No it's not" he said "You realise I was awake last night I heard what u said!" I said with a smirk "Wait really!" he asked "Yep so now u don't have to find a way of how to tell me!" I said "So?" he asked "So what?" I asked "Do u want to be my girlfriend?" he asked with a smile and trying to hide his blush "Um I'll think about it" I said trying to hide my blush as well his smile then faded "Yes I will be ur girlfriend!" I said with a smile and he smiled brightly he then picked me up and spined me around I laughed and then he dropped me on the bed and I just climbed in bed and layed down he then layed next to me and pulled me close to him and I could feel the heat radiating off his body he then kisses my forehead and we both fell asleep!

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