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Hey you guys ! School has been cancelled for 3 days around here. (Whoop Whoop!) So because of that, I'm updating ALOT more than I will be once school starts again. I'm happy about these reads, it would be great if some of you guys could give some shout outs for the story on Instagram, Twitter, ect. I would love that! please remember to vote, and I'd like to read your options on it. I even take advice. Thanks everyone! Much love...


"Harry! Go home!" I shout as come out the house. Harry's cheek is red and turning purple. "He's passed out EJ. He won't be up for hours. Gemma said he didn't come home. I'm sure he won't even notice I'm gone." He assures me. I frown. I wish I could keep him safe. Drag him away from his horrible life.

"Ill be fine. You need a ride you our class anyway. Get in the car." he demands while unlocking the car door. "I can take the bus, Harr-" I begin but he cuts me off. "No. I don't want you on a bus full of strangers. Plus you'd be late if you took the bus." I know he isn't gonna let up. I sigh in defeat and climb in the car.

When we arrive at the university I step out of the car and leave in the passenger window. "Go home, please." I beg. I feel the tears pushing forward as I see the bruise on his neck. "Okay, Em." He can't look at me. It hurts so much. I smile at him. "Love you." I say. "Love you too" he says as he rolls up the window. I watch as he drives away. It's 7:56, and I have to hurry to reach my drafting and computer design class. I make it in time to snatch my regular seat next to Louis.

"Hey there. where you been stranger?" he smiles his award winning Tomlinson smile. I shift uncomfortably in my seat and look at the floor. "Oh." he mumbles. I had told him the week before her passing it was getting close to the end.

The class goes by quickly and I realize that I havent absorbed a single word my professor is saying. I am too worried about making sure Harry is at home. God, I wish I would've brought my phone.

At 8:50 professor Moore lets us out early. I walk to his desk and sigh. He looks up at me and smiles small. "Hey there, champ." he says. Professor Moore is dashing. For an older fellow, he is quite the looker. I'm sure the school has already alerted him of my absences, but I want to make sure. "I know." he frowns. I see the genuine concern for me in his eyes. "Uh, can I get CD program in case some days I can't uh...." I stumble for the words. Get out of bed? stop crying? "make it to class." that was easier. "Of course." he digs in his desk and pulls out a CD with my name already written on the front. I smile and push my bag up my arm as I walk out of the room.

Louis is outside the door standing against the wall. For some reason he is wearing a large, red, letterman jacket from his high school considering the warmth of the southern Louisiana sun. His tall, muscular body pushes forward and he smiles at me. I smile back and look at the floor, blushing slightly.

I don't have a crush on Louis. He's a good friend. Though considerably handsome. Almost as attractive as Harry in his own quirky, frat boy, Louis way. "Do you need a ride?" he asks. "My house is thirty minutes from the school..." I start. I know he lives on campus, so why possible why he need to take time out of his schedule to drive me home. 'Oh god,' I think. 'He's pitying me.'

"It's fine. I don't have anything better to do." He says. He walks out the door and into the parking lot. I follow. I need to work on standing my ground. I continue behind Louis until we reach a small, red, dirty, 1997 Ford single can truck. I'm confused for moment until I take a good look at Louis. I had never really focused on his attire since we were always at desks. He has on dark wash jeans, and beneath the jacket, is a camo t-shirt. I mentally slap my forehead. Duh! He's from the south. Just like me. Raised right here in Louisiana.

The drive is long, quiet, and awkward. I've never done anything 'personal' with someone from school. After my father passed, the only person I stayed in contact with was Harry. We finally get to my house after a hundred years in that shrinking truck. We were parked in my drive. "Thank you." I say to Louis as I open the door. He places his hand gently atop mine, "I'm here for you, Emma. You can talk to me." he says. He would understand more than anyone, his mother passing only 2 years ago. I smile gingerly and climb out of the car an watch as Louis pulls out of my drive and goes back towards the college.

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