Chapter 6

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**| Luke's POV|**

I'm chewing on a mini Twix bar, playing with the wrapper in my hand, as I grin at Gabe. Ever since he came back yesterday, he's been sporting a goofy smile, letting me know right away he did in fact get lucky. At first, I figured he just spent the night alone in his hotel room, but now I know. Lucky man.

When Gabe's eyes glaze over again, I let out a snort, trying to hold in my laughter. Our brothers surround us, waiting for Mr. B and Doc to get here so we can get the family meeting started. I wonder if anyone else has noticed that our dear brother is lost in a daydream...or should I say memories?

I haven't been able to get much out of Gabriel since he arrived home Saturday morning, if anything at all. Trying to communicate with him right now is like the hardest task in the history of all tasks. He better start paying attention soon, especially through the meeting otherwise Mr B and Kota would be handing the sly dirty dog some hours.

A nudge to my ribs has me looking at the brother who sits at my side. Chocolate brown eyes are looking over in Gabe's direction and his dark eyebrows are dipped down into a frown. "What's up with him?" Silas asks, bringing his eyes to mine.

I sigh and pull another mini Twix bar from the pocket of my jeans. I rip the wrapper open and pull the sugary goodness free and pop it into my mouth. A grunt from across the room has my eyes flickering up to my brother, immediately taking note of the disgusted look on his face.

Just to piss him off more, I smile wide, knowing that the biscuit, chocolate and caramel will be between my teeth. I get another grunt in response and look to Silas, chewing and swallowing the rest down.

"He went out Friday night for a one-night stand," I whisper, keeping my voice low. Silas's eyebrow raise so high I worry they're going to disappear past his hairline and into his hair. "Pretty damn sure he got lucky."

A grin spreads across Silas' face. "Must have been good if he's looking like that."

"My thoughts exactly," I agree.

The door opens and Mr B. and Doc walk in. Sean flashes everyone a tired smile before finding one of the chairs and sitting down. Right away, he leans back and closes his eyes, his attempt to get a few moments of rest.

Mr. B steps to the front of the conference table, eyes roaming over everyone and pausing on a dazed Gabe. My body shakes as I hold back laughter and I hear Silas let out a small chuckle next to me.

Mr. B's grey eyes narrow on our brother and everyone slowly looks over at him too, knowing the meeting is about to start, as soon as everyone is back in the real world and not in Dream World.

I don't pity him because I'm usually the one getting the stare. I know exactly how it feels. My mouth curls up into a smug smile as I count in my head.




Awareness seeps back into Gabe's eyes as he stiffens, his eyes widen as he stares back at Mr. B. People always make the mistake of forgetting what a good stare from one Mr. Blackbourne could do to the human body. I secretly wonder if his stare has the power to bring the dead back through fear alone.

Mr. B waits until Gabe's cheeks are properly red with embarrassment before speaking.

"Are you back from wherever your thoughts had led you, Mr. Coleman?" A perfect eyebrow raises and I rub a hand at my mouth to hide my smile as Gabe starts looking around the room. My shoulders start shaking when I feel Silas's body vibrating with his contained laughter.

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