Chapter 30

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**| Sang's POV |**

They made me stay at Sean's place until Monday. And then drove me into work. Now I'm at my desk wondering why Gabriel and Luke kept smirking at each other. Luke even snorted. They are definitely up to something and I'm not so sure I want to be a part of it.

When I finished working for the day, shutting everything down close to six in the evening, the two of them came into the suite, practically skipping.

"What are you up to?" I ask.

"What do you think? We already said we're going to change your life, open you up to what life has to offer. Like people. All kinds of people," Gabriel says.

"And what if I don't want to meet all kinds of people?" I ask.

Gabriel and Luke look at each other. "Does my face say I care what she wants?" Gabriel asks.

Luke shakes his head. "Not even close, bro."

"Good, let's get going. The main show is at nine, but we need to get some grub first," Gabriel says as he comes over and pulls my purse out of drawer and hands it to me. I just stare after him. He cocks an eyebrow. "Sang Sorenson, get your beautiful ass moving."

I follow, the demand in his voice hard to ignore.

Luke grins and falls into the step beside me as we head to the elevator after making sure the suite is locked up. "Are you ready?"

"Are you going to tell me what we're doing?"

Luke shakes his head. "Nope. Not ruining it."

"Food. That's what we're doing," Gabriel says.

I cock an eyebrow. "And afterward?"

"You'll see when we get there," Gabriel says. He pulls out his keys while Luke opens the door to a car for me. I sit in the front seat and Luke hops in the back. A moment later, Gabriel is in the driver's seat and then we are off. I stare out at the scenery as it passes by. Some days I have to wonder why I'm still here, why I haven't just packed up and left. There's nothing here for me.

I glance at Gabriel and that last thought quickly feels like a lie. I blink a couple of times and change my focus to the buildings and little bit of trees around.

A few minutes later, Gabriel pulls into a parking spot and I glance around. "A park?" I ask. I know there aren't any restaurants around here.

"Only the best fucking tacos in the city are here," Gabriel said and got out. I climbed out too and take in the scene. We are at a small park with families getting the last little bit of daylight in before it's time to call in the kids for dinner. Some of them are already packing up to call it a night. The playground is huge, with more than enough swings and slides to tire out the kiddies.

"This way," Luke says, grabbing my hand and tugging me to follow him. We stay on the sidewalk along the road and I spot our potential dinner only a few minutes later.

"A food truck?" I ask.

"Of course, what were you expecting? Italian?" Gabriel asks.

"No," I say. "I would have been content with a grilled cheese sandwich," I say.

"Well, this is better," Gabriel says.

I cock an eyebrow. "So you say. But I bet you never had a grilled cheese with apples in it."

That stops them in their steps as Gabriel turns to stare at me with wide eyes. "Apples? In grilled cheese?" He shivers at the thought and I smirk, crossing my arms.

"Gabriel Coleman, are you making fun of my taste in food?"

He looks at Luke, pointing at me. "What? Of course not."

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