Chapter 18

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**|Sang's POV|**

We are all currently squeezed into the big conference room on the first floor to accommodate everyone. The two new teams sit closest to Mr. Corsan and I. Arlene sits with Deana near the middle of the large conference room with everyone else filling in the rest of the chairs in the conference room or standing against the wall for our weekly company meeting.

I try my best not to look at Nathan, Luke, North, Victor or Gabriel, but they sit across from me. I've been trying my best to avoid them, especially after they all witnessed my frenzied state yesterday after I had foolishly kissed Gabriel. I couldn't find myself to regret it though, even though I should.

My lips twitch when Gabriel pulls a funny face and then Luke does the same, matching his ridiculous expression. Nathan's eyes laugh as he stares at me as I watch his two friends.

Mr. Corsan gives me a curious look before standing up and I quickly school my face into a business mask.

Mr. Corsan smiles at everyone as he briefly scratches at his peppered brown hair. "I'm sure you are all curious about the new faces you've been seeing last week. Sang sent out the memo yesterday but I'm sure you all still have questions."

A few of the employees shift in their seats, looking uncomfortable. My eyes meets Aldon Sill's sharp hazel ones and he scowls at me before leaning over and saying something to his friend, Ryan Merden, who glances at me and then shakes his head as he focuses back on Mr. Corsan.

"This year I'm going to be making new changes. We are a fairly new company, less than a year, but we are growing rapidly thanks to everyone's hard work. Clients are coming to us and trusting us to give them a fair price on the projects they want completed. The new project manager, Mr. Owen Blackbourne," he pointed Mr. Blackbourne out to everyone, "Will be taking over a few of the bigger projects to take pressure off of Opal and Graham. His team, North Taylor, Silas Korba, and Gabriel Coleman will be assisting him with those projects to ensure our clients and donors stay happy and are given the attention they demand."

Graham Mahoney let's out a snort and Opal laughs. "I think we both agree we are glad to let them take on those projects," Graham says, his dark eyes twinkling with amusement.

Opal nods.

Mr Corsan nods, happy to see them pleased about having assistance with the projects. This could have gone a completely different direction if they felt like they were being pushed out of the company. "Kota Lee and his team, Nathan Griffin, Victor Morgan, Luke Taylor and Dr. Sean Green are here to assist with the new security that is being put into place," Mr. Corsan continues, his eyes scanning the faces in the room.

"I believe that Nathan has been going around and collecting new photos and making sure that everyone's personal information is correct for everyone to have new IDs. Each floor will be installed with a scanner; you are to swipe your ID cards to have the doors unlocked as over the weekend they will be installed with magnetic locks."

"Going a bit extreme with the security," Terry says from where he stands in the corner against the wall.

Mr. Corsan nods his head, not surprised by Terry's comment. "This is something that was always bound to happen. The business is barely a year old, and myself and Mrs Garrett felt it was time to start making sure that this building is safe, as are our employees and client information."

"It's something any new business would have done, Terry," Deanna adds. "It just takes time, and money to do these things."

Terry doesn't say anything more and my eyes scan the room, trying to make out if anyone else has anything to say about the new security.

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