13 | None of my concern

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{Myrna POV}

"So... The chance exists that Smaug might attack Lake Town?"
Legolas nodded.
"He would never do that." I exclaimed.

Legolas shrugged.
"It's written right here."

He pointed at the letter and a scowl spread over his face.
"Smaug can get pretty heated when he is angry, no pun intended. But listen to me. He would never attack a town full of innocents."

Legolas shook his head.
"He will, trust me."
"Trust you?!" I scoffed. "I know Smaug better than you, so shut up, Blondie."

Legolas brought his face closer to mine and I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. "He will do it again."
"How can you know that?"
"Because he has done it before."

As my hand made contact with his cheek harshly and the sound of skin slapping skin echoed through the halls, he retreated, bringing his fingers up to the place where I had hit him.

"Where was that for?"
"Fuck off." I hissed.
"I do not want you around here, where you insult one of my closest friends."

"He isn't much of a friend anymore, is he?" If glares could kill, the Elven prince would be six feet under.

"You'd be dead if it wasn't for this mountain being bloody cursed."
He raised an eyebrow.
"Why do you even care about us?" I breathed.
"My people are in danger as well."

I threw my head back, groaning in frustration.
"Of course, your people!"
"If Smaug breaks loose, you don't only kill the Company, Myrna. You will destroy the entirety Middle Earth." Legolas hissed, his expression turning angrier with the second.

"Trust me, Smaug will not. If he does, we can just freeze him in or anything, or trap him in the earth." The prince's eyes locked with mine and we stared at each other for a few seconds.

"You are unbelievable! I didn't know benders could be so selfish! So much power and still using it for their own good."
"That has nothing to do with it!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air before slamming them against a door.

With a loud screech of the hinges it flung open, the other side smashing into the wall. My eyes widened as I stared at the dark room for a moment.

"Are you going in?" Legolas' voice sounded way more concerned all of a sudden.

"Of course, there could be some information about Freya here..."
I grabbed another lit torch and entered the room. It was horribly cold and I started to shiver.

"Need a cloak?" I shook my head.
"No, thank you."
"You aren't afraid of hypothermia, are you?"

I rolled my eyes.
"It's not that cold." I lied, spying the walls for any bookcases or desks.
"Look for any journals, alright?"

Legolas nodded and started to roam around as well.

"Anything there?" I asked him.
"Nope, just lots and lots of jewels and a bed."
"It's her bedroom then?"

The Elf hummed in agreement and ran his hand over a leather book.

"Everything about the elemental curse..." he whispered, reading the title out loud.
"Interesting." I spoke as I looked over his shoulder at the old cover.

"I better take that with me." I said, taking it from his hands.
"Hey, what about me?"

"Haven't you already done your job?" I told him. His hands wrapped themselves around the other side of the book tighter.

"Hand it over." he demanded.
"No, why should I?" I started to tug.
"Because I found it."
"What do you even want with it?"
"To find out what the fuck you are!" My face fell.
"Human. There you have it."

"Someone that is human wouldn't get the entire world, including my people, into danger if they knew what they were doing."

I gritted my teeth.
"Your people are none of my concern." I told him, voice laced with coldness.

Footsteps were heard in the halls and we separated, Legolas had the book and stuffed it under his cloak.

"I'll get that later." I hissed before Bilbo's face appeared in the door frame.

"Oh, hello. I heard some ruckus down here, is everything alright?" We nodded.

"Rigmor has returned and she seems pretty upset." the Halfling told me, his eyes going from me to Legolas.
"Panicked, even. I tried calming her down, but she told me off. You might want to check up on her, she didn't seem happy at all."

I brushed past him through the door, almost pushing him as my feet started to run towards the dining hall.

"Rigmor?" I asked, looking around.

A few Dwarf heads looked up curiously, but my blonde friend was nowhere to be seen. "Did anyone see Rigmor?"

"I'm here!" A way too delighted waterbender appeared around the corner.
"What's wrong?" she questioned my confused face.

"You look like you just saw a dragon." she snorted loudly, slapping her knee. I didn't flinch a bit.

"Come on, it's funny."
"Bilbo just came up to me and told me you were distressed about something. What's the matter?"

She smirked, albeit obviously fake.
"Ain't my Hobbit a sweetie. Nothing's wrong, really!" I looked her in the eye and found nothing but dismay.

"I know that something is bothering you." I spoke, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"I am fine." Rigmor said, shrugging it off. I didn't fail to notice the shivering breath escaping her.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get some food before I faint from hunger." She wanted to walk away but I grabbed her wrist.
"Wait." Her head spun around, her face slightly panicked.

"What did Freya tell you?"

Her eyes shimmered in fear before her gaze turned normal again.

"Nothing much, just a bit about... The Mountain."
"And I can't hear that?" I said, a bit too bold for my liking.

"No, you can't. We are friends, I get it, but can't I have a bit of privacy too?"

"Oh, you mean the kind of privacy we had while imprisoned? You saw me vomiting up that one weird porridge we got one time, you saw me take a dump while sitting on a bucket, and what you want is privacy?"

She yanked her wrist from my grip and her face fell into a scowl.
"We had no choice. What me and Freya spoke about is none of your concern."
"None of my concern, huh? You two just met a few hours ago!"

I couldn't even finish my sentence but Rigmor had already taken off towards the Dwarfs.
"Fine, walk away like a baby!"
"Shut up!"

I heard a faint chuckle behind me.
"Look at you two. Two benders upon whose hands lays the world's fate and you fight over something stupid?"

Legolas' deep voice sent shivers down my spine as it bounced through my skull. "It isn't something stupid." I lowered the volume of my voice.

"it's about Freya. I don't trust her, as I said before."

Legolas nodded, pursing his lips while staring at the floor.
"You don't believe me, do you?"

"She seems kind nevertheless. Perhaps nothing happened and she was just showing Rigmor the lake or something."

I chewed on my lip.
"But she had that book."
"That could be just pure interest."

I held out my hand. Legolas raised an eyebrow.
"Hand it over."

"Hand. It. Over." I stressed the last word and he reached for his cloak. I took it from him, tucking it under my arm safely.

"I am going to prove that Freya is bad, one way or the other."

The Hobbit | Saving Smaug {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now