27 | Onward

54 3 24

{Myrna POV}

The next morning, I found Legolas in one of the rooms, head buried in his hands.
"Legolas?" I asked softly, "Why are you here already? You haven't even had breakfast yet."

He looked up, bags visible under his eyes.
"Myrna... I... I'm not here already, I'm still here."

"You haven't slept?" I sat down next to him, putting an arm around him.
Legolas shook his head, looking at the papers scattered about in front of him.

"It's all in black speech, and I cannot understand it, but... I found something else. I didn't want to wake you, but I need to tell you something important."

He opened his mouth to speak, but probably the worry on my face caused him to change his mind.

"But we can have breakfast, first?"
"Legolas, you need to sleep." I pressed, cupping his cheek and rubbing the spot under his eye. "You are going to overwork yourself."

He shook his head again, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm fine. I couldn't have slept anyway."

Before I could ask what he meant by that, he stood up and walked towards the door. He looked over his shoulder when he noticed I wasn't following him.
"You coming?"
"I think you should tell me about your discovery, first." I said, gesturing to the spot he just left.

He sighed, nodding. "Okay then. But promise you'll eat after, Myrna."
"Of course, why wouldn't I—"

"The letters Freya received the mark of Gundabad. It's a seal I haven't seen in a long time."

"Gundabad?" I quizzed, unfamiliar with the name.

"An Orc-stronghold in the far north of the Misty Mountains."

I frowned. "What lies within?"

"It's mostly ruin now," Legolas explained, "But there lingers an old enemy - The ancient kingdom of Angmar. That fortress was once its stronghold. It is where they kept their great armouries, forged their weapons of war."

Legolas paused, seemingly in pain. "My... My mother, she died there."

I felt my heart drop and I reached for his hand, taking it in mine.
"You must miss her dearly. What happened?"
Legolas flinched visibly.
"You don't need to tell me if—"

"I don't know what happened to her. My father does not speak of it. There is no grave, no memory, nothing." Tears swam at the brims of his eyes and he blinked them away.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. There is nothing we can do about it." He let out a trembling sigh and looked at me.
"But I am not my father. What I feel for you is so real."

He cupped my cheeks, lightly brushing my mouth with his.
"And I'll do anything to come back to you."

Even though he wanted to close the gap, I pulled back with a puzzled expression.

"Come back to me? Are you leaving?"

Legolas sighed, tucking some hair behind my ear. "Myrna, I—"

"Can I come?"

"I need to go to Gundabad itself. So it's out of the question."

I shook my head. "I will come, whether you like it or not. I won't lose you."

"And I won't lose you, either. It's a dangerous place there."
"But I'm an earthbender."

Legolas stroked my cheeks with his thumbs, looking at me intently.
"Listen to me, Myrna. The benders, they need you here, in the mountain."

"For what? To sit and wait until we find the Arkenstone?"

"There is war coming. The ravens have returned to Erebor, and news spreads through the land pretty fast. Do you think we are the only ones with our eye on the treasure? And others care about the location of the mountain because of its strategic position. I need to see what they are up to so I can warn you in case they'll come."

I wanted to protest, but he quickly shut me up by kissing me.
"I will leave as soon as possible." he muttered after a few seconds.
"You need to rest." I said.

"There is no time for that."
"Legolas, I—"

From his pocket, he took a necklace which shimmered like starlight, made out of diamonds and silver and more beautiful than anything I'd ever seen. I softly gasped at the sight of it.

"The white gems of Lasgalen. A treasure valued deeply by my people. I kind of borrowed it from Thorin. Hopefully he won't notice if you carry it under your clothes. It belongs to the Elves any way."

"I cannot take it. It's an heirloom from your people."

"But you are my people." Legolas whispered. "And I want you to have it."

I nodded, accepting the gift. I lifted up my hair so he could put the necklace around my neck. I let my fingers grace over the shimmering material, in awe by how magnificent it shone.

"It looks beautiful on you. You are so beautiful, Myrna..." Legolas mused, pressing a kiss on my forehead. "And I want it to guide you, to keep hope. Whenever you miss me, just look at it, touch it, remember that I'll return to you."

Tears stung behind my eyes. "Legolas, can I really not come with you?"

He stood, taking my hands to have me stand next to him as well.
"I am sorry, Myrna. I wish I could bring you along, but I believe it's safer not to."

He wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. I tried my best not to, but I started to softly cry into his chest. Legolas rubbed comforting circles over my back.
"I will return, I promise."

I inhaled deeply, making myself latch onto the memory of his scent – earthy and nature-like, with something entirely of himself.

"When will you leave, then?"
"As soon as I can. I need to pack some things. Will you say goodbye to me when I go?"

I nodded at him, rubbing my tears away.

"Of course, Legolas."

He leaned in, pressing another kiss to my mouth.

"Just keep your eyes on the mountains." he said, "For war is upon us. Not only the Orcs, but probably different folk alike."

I hummed, hugging him. When it was time for him to release me so he could pack his bags, I felt my heart shatter, as if it was crystal bursting into a million pieces, as blinding as the piece of jewellery around my neck.

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