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Finding You

"Darn it Nani, where are you!" L joe said running on the streets. He called her again,

"Nani, where are you now?"

"I see the clock tower a few miles away," she said.

"Are there any street signs? If there is tell me."

"Blossom road."

"Nani, don't hang up ok?! I'm coming!" L joe ran and saw Blossom road. He ran to the sign and no one was there. "Nani, where are you now? Nani? Nani?!" L joe yelled. It was a cold, dark night. Then his phone said,"who you are calling is unavailable."

"Darn!" L joe then felt a rain drop fall,"that's even more worst!" He started to run again looking for Nani.

Nani was following a puppy then picked it up,"you're lonely too huh?" Then Nani felt the rain too. "Oh, come on puppy lets find a place to stay out of the rain." Nani ran to the park and found the climb in dome and crawled under there. The puppy nuzzled in Nani's lap. Nani smiled. Her phone vibrated. She picked it up,"hello?"

"Dang Nani! I told you not to hang up! Where are you now?" L joe said," there's no rapers or kidnappers around you right?"

"I'm fine. I'm at the park in the climb in dome."

"Ok, this time stay there ok?"

"Promise." L joe hung up and started to run again at full speed. He reached the park and  found Nani. "Found you," L joe said. He saw Nani asleep and crawled in too. L joe woke her up,"wake up Nani." Nani woke up and still had the puppy in her lap.


Nani drank the hot tea and smiled at L joe. "It tastes good!" Nani said taking her last sip. She looked at L joe and he was looking out the window.

"Thanks," Nani said softly.

"Huh? Oh no problem. That's what friends are for right?" L joe smiled.


"So um, I was wondering if you'd like to ... Uh-"

"Go out with you?"



Nani gave L joe a hug.


OKAY so L.Joe is my Bias so yea ^^ hope you liked it!

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