What Now? Pt. 1 ~Linong (Nine Percent)

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Linong looked around a bit. He was looking for her. Specifically.

"Nong nong! Yo!"

Linong turns and sees Ziyi.

"Hey, Ziyi," Linong turns back to look for her.

"What are you doing? Are you looking for Haiya? She's been gone. She left with that dude from the soccer team," Ziyi states.

Linong turns quickly to face him.

"Whaaat... She said that she'll be here because today is ice cream day with the buds. She never said that she was busy," Linong retorts.

They started walking to the academy where their friends were at.

"Yeah, I know. I heard that she and the soccer guy are talking. Can you believe that?" Ziyi conversates.

"They are talking?"

"Yeah, but who knows maybe they are just friends. He's a pretty cool dude. He's in the theater department too," Ziyi replies.

"Doesn't talking mean that they are interested in one another AND they might date?"

"Yeah, that's the point of "talking." You know this, why are you asking?" Ziyi asks.

"Well, you know that I kinda like her. That's why," Linong answers.

"Oohh right. Don't fret. They might just be friends," Ziyi replies, while he feel guilty growing inside.

After talking and walking a bit, they meet up with everyone else. They greet but one friend looks around. One of the few girls.

"Hey, where's Haiya?" Yuci asks, looking around.

"She's doing something else today," Linong replies with spite.

"What? She said that she would make it today," Yuci retorts with a confused expression.

"That's what she told me, but Ziyi-ge said that she is with that Ling Chao guy from the soccer team,"Linong says with a disgust face.

"Ling Chao? Like the theater president, soccer goalie guy?" Justin asks.

"Yes, that guy. Who else is named Ling chao from our school that is on the soccer team? You act like I don't take you to school," Zhengting responds as he rolls his eyes.

"Hey, be nice," Jiahua scolds as she walks up to Linong,"Let's just go without her. Again. We've had fun before she came along anyways."

"But then she came," Linong pouts.

"Hey, is this handsome face not enough for you?!" Justin asks, offended.

"What did Zhengting feed you today?" Yuci asks, looking at Justin.

"Jie Jie, you know you love me," Justin smiles.

"Yah, this is my mom. She only has room to love one child, you brat!" Quanzhe hugs Yuci.

"Um, I thought Zhangting was your mom?" Yuci asks confused.

"No, he said that he disowned me last night when I accidentally broke his humidifier. Which I didn't, it was Cheng Cheng and Justin. They were playing soccer with Wenjun's shoes you got him for his birthday day. Then they blamed it on me," Quanzhe explains, with sad eyes at Yuci.

"Yah! You hamster face! I told you that if you take the blame I'd give you $5 bucks!" Cheng Cheng retorts.

"I did! Till now!" Quanzhe spats back.

"Both of you, be quiet. You are so loud," Yanjun states, walking towards the group.

"We could hear you guys from down the corner," Chaoze adds.

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