The Partayy

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I forget to text Nash because Im so  hung up on this dress. I went through about ten stores, 30 dresses until I found the one. The dress was white sweat heart strapless, with a bejeweled waist band and the wrest flowed down to right above me knees. The way it fit my chest area was good to the point where it didn’t cut down to low. I know this is the dress and so does my mom. I change out of it and we go to pay for it. 150$... ill never live that one off. As my mom and I walk away I finally check my phone and notice I have 50 messages. I figure its that group chat all the girls are in. But then I notice there all from Nash and one from Julia. Nash’s messages all said: “Party at Johns I want you to go with me! J” and he sent those about 50 times. I went to check Julia’s messages as I got in the car and she said: “Party 7:00 at Johns house dress nice-ish… the prissy girls from SHA are invited.” No one likes those girls cause there all rich, skinny, and bitches. Whenever there around they always woo the boys and I cant wait to see how they’ll react to Nash. He will probably love them and I thought I actually liked him. I might as well go with him tonight and just let it all happen… I knew it would turn out this way. I decide to text back Julia saying Id be there and answer Nash with “Id love to go meet me at my house for 5:45!” It was 4:00 now after that long day of shopping and that gives me little time to get ready. He answered “See you then” When I get home   I tuck my dress away and hop into the shower. I make sure to shave everything since I plan on wearing a skirt! I get out of the shower with exactly an hour till Nash comes. I blow dry my hair and straighten it to perfection. I go over to my closet and pick out my black plain skater skirt and my long sleeve shirt with kissy marks all over. I pull on my bright red heels and they match perfect. I do my makeup really good finishing with a cat eye. I spray myself grab my jacket and ten minutes later the doorbell rings.  I run down telling my mom Im staying at Julia’s. I had my bag packed from earlier. I open the door to a fancy Nash in a button down and kackis. “You ready?”.  I nod my head and walk over to his car. I have my license but no car and cant drive people in the car. But him on the other hand can drive people and that’s what he’s doing tonight I guess. I hop in and he asks me where John lives and I point him around. We turn the corner to his house and it is boomin’. Im scared for what people are going to say for walking in with Nash. All the SHA girls know who he is because he used to live her (I found this out with Julia.. she knows a lot about him J). We find a spot and I get out fixing myself up. Nash walks up to me and we walk up to the door together. We walk to the door and open it. We notice how crazy it is. Nash turned around quick and yelled over the loud music to me “Don’t get lost I don’t want to lose you”.  He leaned away and grabbed my hand. This made me feel really safe and comfortable that he wanted to be seen with me. I thought he would just leave me and go with the SHA girls. Reality hits me and we are plowing through the crowd trying to find John. We reach the kitchen and there he is with vodka bottles in each hand pouring every drunk girl here probably her 100th shot.

“HEYYYYY GUYS” John slurred you could tell he was already drunk.

“Hey where is like Paul and Julia and them?” Nash asked

Nash and I gave each other a look and laughed at Johns vocab choice. He dragged me behind him through the crowd of alcohol filled people. I really don’t drink a lot but tonight ill have a little.  But as I walk by all the girls I notice the looks I get from them. I hear comments such as “Why her” and “Ew” as I breeze by. I just ignore them all. As they all wear slutty pencil skirts that we can see there whole ass. I already know they don’t like me with him. We make it down stairs and we found our crew. Julia had a few too many drinks I could tell by the smell of her voice. My best friend Jess didn’t drink so I knew I could go talk to her.

Omg Haley every SHA girl is talking about how they hate you and why Nash would come with you, If anything happens tonight I got your back make sure Im there for any fights!” Jess blurted out.

“WOAH JESS chill out I just got here and I don’t care what those girls have to say I came with Nash so what?”

“That’s the spirit now I think he wants you he’s waving you over”.

I turned around and gave Jess a smile and walked over to Nash. “Wanna get some drinks and dance a little upstairs that’s where there all going?” Nash asked.

“Of course” I replyed. He grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs and right when I reach the top step I hear a voice that I wish I would never have to hear:  Leslie Hearing. Leslie is the biggest slut at SHA (SHA is a prep school for all girls). Leslie sleeps with a different guy each week and this weekend she probably thinking Nash.

“Hey bitch don’t you know that ugly girls don’t get the hot guys”. Leslie says pushing by me, breaking Nash and I’s hand apart and standing with her arm around his waist.

“Lelie-“ I was cut off by a defendant nash.

“Excuse me but Haley is not ugly… you’re the one with the ugly personality I can already tell” Nash replied stepping away from her.

“And Leslie before you can go and rip on me you ne-“. I was yet again cut off by a sharp pain. Did she just? I brought my head back up and looked at a furious Leslie and I brought my hand up to feel the rushing blood from the inside of my lip. She turned around looking satisfied and I knew I wasn’t going to leave her like that. Her punch didn’t hurt that bad but it mad me so mad I didn’t know what to do so I my first instinct was to pull Leslie’s hair and pull her to the ground.

I pulled her hair till she was on the ground I punched her in the eye and got a couple other punches in. until I saw Nash’s eyes go wide and pull me off Leslie. GREAT. 15 minutes into the part, Nash hates me, I beat a girl up and messed up my hair. I don’t know what got into me but I had enough. Nash looked me in the eye and the rage fell from me and it turned into regret. He grabbed my hand tight and we sprinted out of there and too his car. We both hoped in and sat there In an awkward silence until I lost it, my head fell into my hand, I started to ball my eyes out. He looked over at me with a confused look and it soon turned to sympathy.  He moved closer and wrapped a hand around my waist. I brought my head up. And looked at him confused.

“What are you doing? I just embarrassed you and myself and you want to actually be with me still?” I fell back into my hands and started to cry more. He lifted my hands away from my face and tilted my head so I was facing him.

“That is the greatest thing a girl has ever done for me” He said with a giant grin. I laughed a little and it made me happy he wasn’t mad.

“But I don’t know what got into me I didn’t mean to-“

Once again cut off my the greatest feelings ever. Nash grasped my cheeks and our lips crashed together. Sparks flew my whole body and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. He pulled away, wiped the tears from my cheeks and looked me in the eye.

“I loved what you did back there… as long as you don’t do it to me”. He laughed and kissed me on the cheek and turned on the car. He offered for me to stay at his place but I said I just wanted to be at home after all that happened. He gladly agreed and we pulled up to me house. He walked me up to my doorstep and grabbed my hands, looking me in my eyes.

“We should hangout tomorrow. Text me this time?” He laughed.

“I definitely will” I giggled. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and I was unsatisfied. I guess it showed in my facial expression because he started to lean in again. I closed my eyes and did the same. It was a short peck but I loved it. We said our goodbyes. I walked into the house and cleaned myself up. My lip wasn’t bad, you could barely see it. I got into bed thinking about if Nash is only pretending. I was almost asleep in a  bad mood till I thought of what my doings would leave Leslie looking likeJ.

AUTHORS NOTE: Ok I know I updated a while ago and im sorry! I also realize theres teen drinking in this but im sorry I thought alcohol was good to use for this scene L Any way vote and read and share!

-HALEYYYY Twitter: HaleyRoseMurray

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