Strange Request

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(A/N): Shout out to Alexmercer156 for helping me with this chapter.

You blinked a few times after hearing what Glynda had to say. "I'm sorry... what?" You asked making sure you heard her right.

"It's just as I said, a first year team asked to fight you in a sparring match." She repeated writing something down on her clipboard.

You shook your head and repeated what she said "You want me to fight a team of first years because they requested it?" 


You put your face into your hand and shook your head letting out an un-amused sigh. "Fine... I guess I can use it as a sort of lesson..." You said reaching into your desk and grabbing a sheet of paper and writing down how you could do that.

"Good, you fight them tomorrow right before lunch." She added making you grunt in response as she made her way out of your class.

"Oh! And I don't promise I won't pommel them!" You raised your voice so she could hear

"They requested to fight a fully trained huntsmen, It would be embarrassing if you didn't." She responded as she left the class.

Shaking your head you turned back to your paperwork. 'I don't know who's crazier... That team or that woman...'

~Time skip~

You stood to the side of the arena waiting for the bell to ring as students from both your class and Glynda's filled the seats of the viewer stand. With the minutes passing by you began making your way to the center of the arena raising your voice to you can be heard.

"Hello everyone!" You called out getting their attention "We have a special class for all of you today, today's class is going to be taught by example more than books and all." You said gaining more attention from the students.

"Today Professor (L/N) will teach his own class while sparring team RWBY who requested to have a fight with him." Glynda said as she set the board displaying the five bars each containing a meter representing your aura.

Looking off to the side you saw the four huntresses in training step forward all ready for combat. As you set up you looked to the crowd and told them, raising your weapon from your back. "For this demonstration I won't use my weapon unless absolutely necessary. For those who rely on your weapons, take note." You said putting your weapon back and raising your fists as your four opponents brought theirs out.

The timer began to count down as you stared the four down and they did the same. As the buzzer went t 0 the blond haired student, Yang Xiao Long, burst off with great speeds towards you and began throwing a serious of punches to which you easily dodged or blocked.

"First lesson! Always know your aura's strong points!" You shouted leaning out of the way of a punch and pushing her to the side only to see the ninja like student, Blake Belladonna, come crashing from above with her blade readied making you flip back using your hands as a spring before regaining your balance.

Seeing a blur of red and rose petals shoot past you turned back with a roundhouse kick coming into contact with the back end of the leaders scythe, Ruby Rose, before pushing off it and using your heel of the opposite leg to kick her to the side. "Second! Know where to push your aura so it can become your strongest shield," You said turning and blocking the incoming rapier having a (F/C) wave appear where contact was made. Grabbing the blade you pushed back sending the white haired woman, Weiss Schnee, sliding back to regroup with her teammates. "and so it can become you most lethal weapon." You said raising your fists once again.

Worth it - Glynda Goodwitch x Male!Professor!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now