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"OUT OF MY WAY!" You shouted running through the hordes of Grimm and White Fang using your axe as a mean to carve a path for you.

It happened so fast, one moment the Vytal festival was happening peacefully with everything going according to plan. Then a student attacked another and one was killed! To add onto the matters Grimm and White Fang were attacking the city slaughtering whatever got in their way.

Any and all hunters and huntresses were currently fighting back but also having to evacuate the civilians giving them two jobs in a single crisis. You just had to get back to the other professors and you'd be able to push through with them to take out a majority of the Grimm leaving a clear path for everyone to get through.

You just got through a cluster of enemies only to come face to face with another batch. Right in front of you was a Beowolf which you slid under, catching it's underside with your axe, and jumped back up cleaving it into the ground making it shake.

Wait, no that wasn't your impact that made the ground shake it was something else. And it hit again, the ground shook but with more ferocity this time. You looked around frantically until the beast that was doing that showed itself.

The mountains that were over the horizon began to shook and crumble before starting to fall apart. You stared in awe as the mountain fell apart revealing a singular red eye showed before the entire mountain erupted into pieces revealing a colossal Grimm that resembled either a dragon or a wyvern.

It flew towards the city with great speeds and began oozing a black liquid as it flew overhead. The ooze produced more Grimm ranging from all different sizes and types. You stood gawking at this sudden beast and it's abilities but was quickly brought back to reality to a White Fang member hitting you with the butt of their rifle.

Stammering back you shook your head and looked forward to the member who just attacked you and rushed back, planting your axe in the ground, and using your momentum to jump up and kick them before rushing ahead towards the main part of the city.

After fighting your way there you were quickly met with the sounds of students and teachers alike fighting for their lives. You began running around the place and helping the separate groups fight through the Grimm. After roughly half an hour you made enough difference to where you could rest a bit and was currently with a group of students.

Sitting down and resting against a debris one of the students, a first year part of team (Team name), Carol Streeva, walked up to you and began talking.

"Um. Professor (L/N)?" She said gaining your attention

You looked up at her and gave a smile "Yeah? What can I do for you Ms. Streeva?" You asked pushing up on your axe and getting to your feet.

"Well, my team... one of them... (F/N)... something happened..." She said making you think

'That's the one that got transferred into their team, the one that used to be a renegade...' You thought

"What happened to him?" You asked ready for what she could say

"He um... changed, he killed someone a bit ago..." She said making your eyes widen in surprise and thought for a moment

"Alright... we'll deal with that later but for now we have bigger fish to fry. Go get as many students as you can I have a plan." You told her putting a hand on her shoulder making her smile and nod before running to the other two males in her team as your eyes found the flying monster and followed it with your eyes.

You began looking around for Glynda knowing she was going to be a huge help in this situation, especially with the plan you were making. Running through the streets you could still hear people fighting as metal met bone and gunshots echoed out. Running into a group of Grimm on your own you halted in your tracks and swapped your weapon to it's gun mode and kneeled down taking aim.

Worth it - Glynda Goodwitch x Male!Professor!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now