A date?!

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"I demand it Glynda! There is no way you're getting out of this!" You told her slamming your hands on her desk.

She looked up at you with confusion and irritation at your persistence "And why must I be the one who has to cope with your childish attitude? All over having some of your pay deducted to pay for the arena you damaged." She replied leaning back into her seat and crossing her legs.

"Because you could've fixed it with your semblance but instead decided to fix it using my paycheck!" You retorted putting a more demanding tone behind your voice.

She pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a sigh knowing her choices "Fine, if it will get you to quit complaining I'll buy you dinner..." She said adjusting her glasses and making you grow a faint blush.

"WHOA WHOA WHOA!" You said jumping back "All I said was that I wanted something to compensate for the loss of pay! I said nothing about going to dinner!" You told her restraining the blush as much as you can.

"And a simple dinner should cover the costs completely if not more, in which you will pay for the extra costs if it goes over." She said standing up from her desk and grabbing some papers while walking by you. "Oh, and I suggest wearing something somewhat formal, if I must do this I'm choosing the restaurant." She said walking off adding a bit more sway to her hips making your blush grow a bit more.

You stared as she walked out of the room with a dumbstruck face as realization hit you like a rock 'This woman just asked me out on a date didn't she?!' You thought shaking your head and quickly bolted out the door and to your own living space to think and prepare it.

A few minutes of walking, with your mind still on the subject, you got to your living quarters and quickly entered closing the door behind you and sitting on your bed. After thinking about it for a while you came to a conclusion.

'She planned this from the start...' You told yourself in your head falling onto your back.

~Time Skip~

You were running down the streets as fast as you could, dodging others and taking sharp turns. You lost track of time  and were about to be late for your dinner with Glynda and are currently sprinting through the streets of Vale to the restaurant you would be eating at. Making one final turn you could see it a few dozen feet in front of you letting out a sigh of relief.

Taking a moment to adjust yourself, fix your (H/C) hair and fix your clothing really, you took one more deep breath and walked into the establishment. Looking around you spotted her sitting at a booth by herself to which you invited yourself over and took a seat in front of her.

"You're late." She said placing her head on her hand using it as a rest.

"I showed up didn't I?" You retorted with a small laugh

"Why wouldn't you? I'm buying you dinner after all." She replied with a smirk

"Because you didn't want to fix the arena." You shot back with a bigger smirk and making her sigh.

"You're right, you win this time." She said with a small smile and making you have a small celebration to yourself.

Letting out a deep breath you both sat there in silence until your waiter/waitress came. After a few minutes they did and you both ordered resuming the awkward silence that was there earlier.

"You know (F/N) there's something I never understood about you," Glynda said making your attention snap to her with a brow raised.

"And what would that be?" You asked

Worth it - Glynda Goodwitch x Male!Professor!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now