The new Professor

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(A/N): Hello everyone and welcome to the GlyndaxReader story! This story was requested by Cheshire_3105. Hope you all enjoy!

"So, mister (L/N)." The other voice in the room echoed out "You say you want to become a professor at Beacon?" His brown eyes peering into you

"More than anything, call it a childhood dream." You replied staring them down with your (E/C) orbs

"Why do you wish to become a professor? Is it for others benefit or some other motive?" He asked again

"Like I said it would be fulfilling a childhood dream, but to be more direct I guess it would be to help the next generation of hunters and huntresses." You answered still looking directly at him

"I see... do you have any experience in combat or being a hunter?" He questioned

"Of course I do! I would be out of my right mind to want to be a professor at a combat school if I didn't have experience to pass on!" You responded feeling slightly insulted at the question.

"That is a reasonable response, my apologies for the stupid question." He said lifting his cup of coffee up to take a large sip. "Now, I have only one more question. What's your semblance?" He asked making you feel nervous about answering.

"I... I can't say..." You answered looking away making him raise a brow.

"You can't say? Is there a reason?" He continued questioning

"...It's.... difficult to explain without flat out saying it but, my semblance... you could say it's a risk vs reward, with the risk greatly outweighing the reward... It's an absolute last resort that I never use around anyone..." You told him looking around the room.

Silence filled the room for a few moments before it was broken by the sound of him taking a small audible sip of his coffee. A moment later he placed it down and looked at you before talking.

"I see... in that case, I thank you for your time mister (L/N), welcome to Beacon Academy as our newest professor." He said making a smile creep onto your face and stand up from your seat.

"Thank you very much headmaster." You thanked before turning an taking you leave.

With a smirk on your face you stepped into the elevator and hit the button having the door close.

Life just took a good turn.

~Time Skip~

'Alright, first day. Don't be nervous, you got this' You repeated in your head over in over as you waited in your class waiting for the day to start.

Your class was based on aura control and conservation. Slowly students began to enter and take their seats as the clock slowly came to the starting time. With the final minute passing you closed the door and began the day.

"Alright, good morning everyone," You said getting a few responses "welcome to Beacon or in the case your not a first year welcome back then. I'm Mr. (L/N) but you don't have to address me as so. This class is based around aura control and conservation. In layman's terms we'll be learning how to distribute your aura in combat properly so you are given and extra edge in battle but not to the point you'd waste it all and be defenseless. Any questions?" You stated looking into the audience of students seeing a single hand come up. You pointed to the student before they began there question.

"My question isn't really related to the class, but is this your first year here?" They asked

"Yes," You said clapping your hands "this is in fact my first year teaching here which brings us to the matter. Just because I'm inexperienced doesn't mean I won't hesitate to discipline anyone who step's out of line. Now if we're good let's begin this year off right." You stated jumping up and sitting on your desk and beginning the day.

The first class seemed to drag on but you didn't mind because that meant you were sure what you were teaching got through to them and it also gave you more time to prepare for the next classes. But eventually the class came to an end with only a minute or two remaining, upon taking notice you looked back to the class and closing your book.

"Alright, that sums up today's lesson. Before you all leave I have a small assignment for you all." You said walking to your desk and pulling out a stack of papers. "Before any of you start getting upset no this isn't homework. These are forms that I wan't you all to fill out so I can adjust the class to where it's suitable for every student. These are mandatory so have them back next class." You said as the bell rang dismissing everyone and making sure they all got the papers.

From there on out it was the same routine with all the classes until lunch came around. As the bell to dismiss for lunch came you, once again, handed out the papers and left with the class to take your lunch break. Heading down the hall to the cafeteria you changed your course from that of the students and headed into a small side room designated for the professors to eat.

Getting in you quickly grabbed a plate of food and began eating while pulling out some papers to start planning for future classes. Multi-tasking wasn't necessarily hard but it was difficult to prevent your food falling onto your papers. As time went by you were caught up in your work and failed to notice the other professors in the room speaking to you.

"Excuse me!" One of them shouted snapping your attention to them "We've been trying to speak with you!" The man in front of you said. He was a rather short and, somewhat, large man with a large mustache that obviously had a lot of work put into it.

You shyly smiled and laughed "So sorry, I was caught up in my work." You explained putting your food that.

"That's rather obvious." A man behind him who wore glasses and had green hair said

"R-Right..." You replied sinking into your seat

"Back to the matter at hand!" The man in front of you stated with a loud voice making you jump a bit "I don't believe I've seen you before, can you explain who you are?" He asked making you clear your throat

"It's rude to ask for someones name without giving yours first Peter" a feminine voice rang out diverting all three of your attentions to the door to see a woman with blond hair and green eyes enter.

"Ah Glynda, you always were one for more proper introductions." He said adjusting his suit "But as you wish, I am Professor Peter Port teacher of the Grimm studies class." He said with pride in his voice

"And I am Doctor Bartholomew Oobleck and I instruct the history class." The one with green hair stated

"I'm Glynda Goodwitch, I take care of the more combat oriented side of teaching" The female introduced sitting in a chair crossing her legs as the three put their attention waiting for your introduction.

It took you a second to realize what they wanted and began speaking "R-Right my turn then." You said looking up giving a large friendly smile "I'm (F/N) (L/N), I teach the aura control and conservation. I'm the new professor."
(A/N): Well there's the end of the first chapter! Once again thank you Chesire_3105 for requesting the story! And I'll see you all in the next chapter!

Worth it - Glynda Goodwitch x Male!Professor!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now