6 [Night Watcher]

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       When Alisa woke up, she had no idea where she was. She groaned as she got up from the ground and she looked around seeing she was not with the others. But as she finally was coming to her senses, she remembered what happened and she gasped and quickly got up. She didn't see the creature anywhere nearby but that doesn't mean it isn't here.

         Alisa looked around for her gun but she didn't see it til she looked up. "Great." She said to herself when she saw her gun hanging off a branch by the straps. Before she went for her gun, she looked around once more for the creature then started to climb up the tree.

      She climbed faster as she got closer to the gun not knowing if the creature was nearby but she knew she needed her gun to protect her. Alisa was only a foot away from the gun and she held onto the tree as her other hand reached out towards the gun. Her fingers were about to wrap around the gun before she heard the sound of the branch her hand was holding one snap and before she knew it, she fell from the tree.

     But she didn't feel her body hit the ground.

      Alisa opened her eyes realizing she closed them when she fell. She looked down and saw she was a few feet away from the ground. She didn't know why she was not on the ground til she finally felt the arms around her. Alisa looked up and saw the creature's face looking at her and that its arms were holding her in bridle style which kept her from hitting the ground from the top of the tree.

       For some reason, Alisa didn't scream or fight out of the creature's arms but instead only looked at its face that was covered with the metal mask as the creature set her down, her feet feeling the ground beneath her shoes. "Umm, thanks, I guess." She didn't know what to say or if she should feel fear, cautious, or curious. But it was a feeling in the middle.

        The creature only made a clicking noise and she took that as a welcome. The creature looked at her then back at the tree looking up at the gun that still hung of the branch. The creature made a few clicking noise and when she thought it was about to get her gun, the creature started to walk away.

      Alisa watched as it walked off but instead of running the opposite way, she ran towards it. "Hey! Hey wait up!"

         The creature immediately stopped almost making Alisa run into its back. The creature turned its head towards her and she looked back up but it didn't seem like the creature was going to make her leave so she followed as the creature walked again.

         As Alisa followed the creature through the forest, she took time to notice its appearance. She knew what it wore was not from earth due to the weapons hanging off its side, the gun on its shoulder, and what looked like hidden blades on its arms. But as she thought about it, she couldn't keep calling it creature. So she looked at it again and decided it was a male due to some traits it had like muscles, abs, and guessing what the cloth that was wrapped around its waist covered his area.

         Alisa shook her head from the thoughts and thought about what his name was. But she didn't have that much time to think about it when he stopped at a boulder. Alisa looked over him and saw that the boulder had a smaller boulder beside it, making a small open area in the middle big enough for a human.

        The creature looked at her and made a few clicking sounds but Alisa titled her head not understanding what he said. He realized that so instead he pointed at her, then the open area between the rocks, then at the tree above them. Alisa nodded and said, "So I sleep in the small cave, you sleep in the tree," so she could know if she was right or not. He nodded and looked at the sky seeing it was about to get dark.

       Alisa laid asleep in the small cave as the creature sat upon a branch in one of the trees that let him see the opening to the cave. He was pushing a few buttons on the device that was in his wrist til he looked up from the device and looked at the cave. He saw Alisa laying on her side, her face facing the cave's opening. He closed the device and laid his back on the trunk of the tree. He didn't usually sleep, and he didn't usually keep his prey alive. But for some reason, when he looked at Alisa's face, under his mask his mouth slightly smiled and his eyes slowly closed, letting his dreams take place as he and Alisa slept under the night sky.

I'm finally back in the mood to write, so suspect more and quicker updates!

Invisible [A Yautja Fanfic] (1) ✓Where stories live. Discover now