15 [Stars]

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        A loud bang filled the ears of every living thing that was nearby. Greg widened his eyes thinking he killed the creature, but Setg'in'ka didn't move.

       Setg'in'ka looked down at Greg and Greg realized the bullet didn't shoot him. "Setg'in'ka." A small voice said and he turned around to see Alisa holding her chest and blood seeping out of it.

       Setg'in'ka pushed away Greg and ran towards Alisa, catching her before she fell down. Alisa's​ breaths were short and fast and her hand that was holding​ her chest was red and the shirt she was wearing was soaked in blood.

        Setg'in'ka gently moved her hand off of her shirt. He took out his knife and cut off the piece that was soaked in blood. Her chest had a hole in it from the bullet and blood was gushing out of it.

       Setg'in'ka took out his medkit not caring that it was for him because someone he loved needed it the most right now.

       He took out a pair of tweezers and brought it above the wound. He knew it was going to hurt like hell, but Alisa was dying from the blood loss and he had to quickly get the bullet out and stitch the wound before she does.

       Setg'in'ka gently grabbed her hand and Alisa looked up at him with weak eyes and she gently smiled at him. Setg'in'ka squeezed her hand before he slowly pushed the tweezers inside the wound.

       Alisa squeezed his hand hard and closed her eyes from the pain. Setg'in'ka felt around till the tweezers hit something and he knew it was the bullet. He quickly grabbed it and slowly pulled it out.

      Alisa took deep breaths, as Setg'in'ka dropped the tweezers and the blood covered bullet. He quickly took out a needle and some string from the medkit. He knew it was going to hurt, but he had to stitch the wound for it to stop bleeding.

      Blood was coming out of her wound faster, so he had to quickly put pressure on it while he began to stitch it with his other hand.

      Alisa was beginning to become pale and she laid her hand on his arm. Setg'in'ka looked up at her as he continued to keep the pressure on the wound to slow down the bleeding.

     "Setg'in'ka....... I love you." Alisa said in a weak voice and Setg'in'ka stopped and looked at her. He smiled at her and went back to stitching the wound.

      As Setg'in'ka continued to keep pressure on the wound till he finally finished stitching it. He looked up at Alisa and he knew she lost a lot of blood, but she was going to be okay.

      "Alisa?" Grey looked at her wondering if she was okay and Setg'in'ka looked at him. He growled and got up and stalked towards Grey. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt her!"

      Setg'in'ka grabbed Grey's throat and lifted him up in the air. Grey grabbed onto his arm as he tried to pry his hand away. "I-I'm s-sorry, p-please d-don't" Grey said in between loosing air.

      Setg'in'ka held onto his neck tighter till there was a snapping sound and Grey fell limp in his hand. He growled and threw him on the ground. Setg'in'ka growled again before walking back to Alisa.

      She smikd when she saw him again and Setg'in'ka gently picked her up. "Can we go home?" Alisa weakly said as color slowly began to come back onto her face.

      Setg'in'ka nodded at her and he walked away leaving all of what happened behind them.


       "Setg'in'ka!" Alisa called out to him and he stopped and looked at her. It's been five months since he killed Grey and Alisa got shot, but everything was okay now.

      Setg'in'ka walked over to where Alisa was and she motioned him to come closer. Alisa's wound was still healing, but she was back to her lively self. "I made you something!" She says happily and Setg'in'ka looked at her confused.

      Alisa picked something up and she turned towards him. "Close your eyes." She tells him and Setg'in'ka closed his eyes and went along with what she said. "Open your hand." Alisa tells him and he opens one of his hand.

      Something was laid onto his hand and from what he could tell, it felt like wood. "Okay, now open them." Setg'in'ka opened his eyes and looked down. There laying on his hand, was a small wooden figure of him.

      "I decided to make you that since I never really gave you anything besides a thank you for saving my life." Alisa says and Setg'in'ka looked at her. "You like it?" She asks, worried that he didn't.

     Setg'in'ka smiled then wrapped his arms around Alisa and picked her up in the air. She smiles and laughs, "I take that as a yes." He set her down on the ground and she happily looks up at him.

      Soon nighttime fell and the jungle became dark, the only light source was the stars and the fire Alisa started for them.

      Alisa laid on the ground beside Setg'in'ka as they gaze at the stars above them. "You know, I never thought I'll end up like this." She says and Setg'in'ka looked over at her.

      "When I accepted the mission to come here, I never thought I'll find you and then fall in love with you as well." She says as she smiles at the last part. "What I'm saying is, I'm glad I met you and I'm glad that we're always be together."

      Setg'in'ka wraps his arm around her as she yawns and slowly starts to fall asleep in his arms. He was glad that he didn't kill her when he first met her. Glad that she wasn't scared of him. And glad that he fell in love with her as well.

      Setg'in'ka looked at the stars above them and looked back at the sleeping figure beside him. For years, he watched the stars by himself, but now he knew. He was never going to be alone anymore.

      And he was glad about that the most.

After all this time, it has finally came to an end.

I want to say thank you for all the support I had with this book, how many people gave me encouragement to do my best and continue writing, and voting for this book as well.

I'm sad yet happy this book has come to an end.

Thank you guys so much again and I hope to see you again in my other books!

Don't know if I'll make a sequel, but I will think about it.



Invisible [A Yautja Fanfic] (1) ✓Where stories live. Discover now