13 [Reunion]

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     Alisa stood behind Setg'in'ka as he growled at the trees. If he was alone, he would normally go into the trees and kill them quickly, but with Alisa with him, he knew he couldn't leave her alone.

        "Look, if I could speak to them, if they come here. I can make them go away so you won't have to worry or be hurt." Alisa said but he shook his head and growled as they heard a voice close by calling her name. She looked around realizing they were getting closer and she looked at Setg'in'ka trying to tell him to leave.

      "Please listen to me! If you don't go right now, they will see and kill you on spot!" Alisa exclaimed as she tried to push him towards the trees to where he can hide there but he wouldn't budge. "Please! You can hide in the trees and watch if it makes it any better, just please leave!" Setg'in'ka looked around and growled before he turned invisible and jumped into a tree that was still in her line of sight.

       Alisa smiled then she quickly turned around just in time to see Greg walked out of the jungle. He looked up and froze when he saw her before he ran towards her and hugged her. "My god Alisa, where have you been!? I was so worry about you when we didn't see you over two days!" Alisa smiled and hugged him back but she quietly heard a growl from where Setg'in'ka was hiding.

       "I missed you too." Alisa said and Greg let go of here before he called out to Alex and Kirk that he found her. Soon they came to where they were and they both hugged her and told how much they missed her, even Kirk seemed happy that he saw that Alisa was fine, even though he was the one that made her leave by herself.

       "Come on let's get you back to camp." Greg said as he took her hand and started to walk her back towards camp till Alisa stopped before they got a few steps in. "Wait. I can't go yet." Greg stopped and looked at her​ confused, "Why?" "Umm, I still need to find Liam." Alisa said trying to make up an excuse till it didn't work.

      "Look Alisa, we found Liam. He was hanging dead from a tree, he was.. skinned." Greg said sadly and Alisa pretended to be sad about it, even though Setg'in'ka already told her that he killed him. "It's not safe out here, so we need to go back to camp." Kirk said but Alisa didn't follow and took a step backwards where Setg'in'ka was hidden.

      They stopped and looked at her confused wondering why she wasn't coming. "Alisa, why aren't you coming with us?" Greg said and Alisa tried to figure out an excuse without telling them about Setg'in'ka. "I, uh, have to go-" but before she could finish speaking, Greg grabbed her arm and started to pull her along.

       "Hey wait! What are you doing?" Alisa exclaimed as she tried to pry his hand off of her arm but he only grabbed onto her stronger. "Greg! Let me go!" She said and she finally was able to get his hand off of her and she fell down and landed on her back.

      Alisa gasped but quickly got up and looked at Greg confused on why he was acting like this. "What is wrong with you?" Alisa asked but Greg quickly turned around and walked towards her. "What's wrong with you? You been gone for weeks and the moment we find you, you still want to leave. So what is wrong with you!?"

       Alisa lowered her head not knowing what to say but Kirk stopped Greg from saying anything else. "Umm guys, we got a bit of a big problem." Greg groaned and looked over at him, "What can be such a big problem?" "That."

      Greg looked over at where Kirk was pointing at and he gasped and stared at the thing he was pointing at. Alisa looked over and saw Setg'in'ka standing on a branch, visible and angry. "Oh no." Alisa wispered to herself knowing something bad was about to happen.

     "What the hell is that thing?" Greg took out his gun and aimed it at Setg'in'ka and Alisa quickly grabbed it and tried to get it away from him. Greg pulled back his gun while making her fall back down and Setg'in'ka took out his spear and aimed it at Greg.

        Kirk and Alex quickly took out their guns and aimed it at him as well. "No! Don't​ shoot him!" Alisa quickly got up and ran in front of their aim. "Stop! He's my friend, don't kill him!" "What do you mean that monster is your friend?" Kirk asked as Setg'in'ka loudly growled at them. "While I was gone, he found me. He protected me from almost being killed and he kept me alive." Alisa explained, thinking if she told them all that he has done for her, they would stand down.

     But it didn't work out.

Sorry for the shorter chapter than usual, I been working on my Jurassic World fanfic so if you didn't know that go check that out. But sorry for the shorter chapter!



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