7 [Questions And Answers]

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      Alisa woke up surprised by not hearing anything besides a few birds. She yawned and climbed out of the small cave and looked around. She didn't see the creature but then she remembered he said he would be in the trees. She walked around, looking at all the trees til she saw him sitting on a branch.

        Alisa looked up at the tree and realized how high he was actually in the tree so instead of climbing the tree to get him, she called out loud enough for him to hear her. "Hey! Are you awake?" Alisa didn't hear him for a few seconds til she saw his head turn and look down at her. He made his normal sound and jumped down landing beside her.

        Alisa still was astonished by his height to where she would have to move her head almost all the way to look at his face. She still didn't know what he looked like since he always wore the mask, but she only met him a day ago so he probably hasn't truly trust her yet.

       "You know I need to go back to my friends right?" Alisa asked as he looked down at her small frame. He clicked at her though she thought that was a okay to leave. But when she nodded and started to walk off, she felt his hand pull her back almost making her fall. She gasped but caught herself. Alisa tried to turn around but his hand was firmly wrapped around her shoulder and he seemed like he wasn't going to let go. "I have to go back, and I promise I won't mention you to them so you're safe." He didn't click this time but instead growled and shook his head.

       He finally let go of her shoulder letting her turn around to look at him and he growled again, shaking his head as if he didn't want her to leave. Alisa sighed, "Fine, I'll stay, but I have to go back at least in a few days, okay?" He nodded and Alisa sighed, walked over to a rock and sat down. 

      She watched him walk around for a bit til she felt herself become bored. Alisa sighed and tried to think of something to do but she couldn't think of anything. So instead, she decided to go find the creature and try to ask him some questions.

        Alisa walked around not finding him at all so she called out, "Hey! Where are you?" Now after she called him and waited for him to arrive, she realized she didn't know his name since she couldn't understand him. But as she thought about names, she felt some breaths behind her and she turned around looking up at him.

       He titled his head and clicked at her, probably asking what she needed him for. "Umm hey, I was bored so I wanted to ask you some questions." He looked around and when Alisa thought he didn't want to be asked any questions, he nodded and walked towards the rock. Alisa smiled and walked towards the rock and sat down seeing that he was just going to keep standing beside the rock instead of sitting.

     "So I was just going to ask some simple questions, you know, to get to know each other." Alisa said to him and he nodded understanding what she wanted to do. "So let's see, umm. Let's start with names." She looked up at him. "I'm Alisa and you are?" He only made a few clicking noises and she slightly laughed. "How about we do this." She got up and looked around before finding what she needed.

         "Here." She waved him over and he walked towards her as she leaned over to a muddy spot. "You can write your answers here so I can understand you." He nodded and he sat down beside the mud as she sat down as well across from him. "Okay, now answer the first question."

       He made his normal noise she learned to like a bit and he laid his finger in the mud and wrote out his name. When he lift up his finger from the ground, Alisa looked over and saw the name Setg'in'ka." She tilted her head at the name and she asked, "What does it mean?" He wrote something else beside it, deadly fire. "That's a cool and a original name." Alisa said and he nodded before she asked more questions and he would answer them.

        Soon it was almost nightfall and Alisa asked more than just a few questions. She learned that he had ten siblings, favorite color is green, favorite thing to do is hunt, and other things that was surprisingly the same as her. Alisa was now sitting on the rock, carving into a piece of wood with a knife she had in her pocket. As Setg'in'ka stood beside a tree watching her.

        He didn't know what it was about Alisa, but he never expressed himself to any of his kind, his brothers, nor a ooman. He also didn't understand why he hasn't killed her yet but a part of him actually liked being around her. Setg'in'ka looked at Alisa seeing her carving a piece of wood he tore off a truck of a tree since she asked him. He looked up at the sky and saw it was dark, the night sky lit up by the stars and the moon.

      But when he looked back at Alisa, he saw her asleep on the rock, still sitting but her head was titled on her shoulder and her eyes were closed. Setg'in'ka walked over and picked her  up carefully so he didn't wake her up. He laid her inside the cave and he looked at her sleeping face. He walked away from the cave but stopped and looked at the wooden figure on the rock she was working on. He didn't know what it was till he picked it up and saw it was him.

       Under his mask, he smiled and laid the wooden figure back on the rock and jumped onto a tree. He sat down onto the branch but he didn't go to sleep that night. He only watched the night sky, but also Alisa as she slept inside the cave below him.

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