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(Picture reference above⬆️)

Iwa: Rock
Yoroi: Armor

~ One Month Later ~

It's time. And I'm more than ready.

Kakashi, Lee, Gai, Kiba, Hinata, and Teneten.

I had trained with practically everyone. Everyone but Sasuke, in fact, I'd avoided Sasuke for the entire month. As of right now though, he was with Kakashi, training, while we are all standing in the stadium, waiting for them to begin, but everyone knows that Kakashi won't be here until last minute.

"First match. Naruto Uzumaki vs. Neji Hyuga." The proctor yells from the bottom. Said two make their way to the bottom, and as you probably know, Naruto won, stealing my underground clone move. I didn't know whether to be pissed or smug as hell. I ignored both feelings and just watched as the fights continued, which weren't really fights at all. Kankuro dropped out, but Temari went, and Shikamaru beat her in my book, but Temari won by the exam's standards. And now, it was my turn.

"(Y/n) Daku vs. Iwa Yoroi. Please, step down and begin." I let a smirk fall to my face as gasps spill out around the entire arena. As soon as my name was announced, the people in the crowd went wild. They'd been waiting for this. A very bulky, meat headed teen walked down the stairs with a sinister smirk on his face. He stared me down with a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"Are you sure a little girl like you can beat me? If you cry, I might go easy on you." The teen, maybe two or three years older than myself asked, then mused. My face remained completely indifferent to his idiotic teasing, which aggravated the boy to no end.

"You're asking all of the wrong questions that I don't want to hear, nor care about. Would you like to attack first? It does appear to me that you are weaker than I am." I said monotonously. The guy, Iwa, gritted his teeth and growled, and to my surprise, his entire arm slowly turned to rock and he charged at me, swinging, and missing each time.

"Your arm is too heavy, you're slow, and so is your rock armor transformations." I analyze blankly as I grab his shoulders and use them to flip myself behind his body. I then kick the back of his knee, sending him falling forward before kicking him in the middle of the back, causing him to pound into the dirt below. When he got up, he was unscathed, except for his back.

'I see. I'll have to use harsher blows to slow him down. Using gravity won't work, because his kekki genkai is a little faster than that.' I think to myself as I pull my katana from my back as a diversion. The man smirks at this and charges again. Mistake. As soon as he reaches me, I swing left, causing him to dive to the right, right into my trap. I pull a kunai out and jab it into his left arm, rendering it as completely useless. Iwa's eyes go wide, but he gets angry and swings his rock covered leg, hitting me in the hip, sending me tumbling to the side. I quickly catch my balance and play it off with a graceful flip through the air.

"That's gonna bruise, asshole. I didn't want to kill you, but I'm going to now." I growl as I gently pull my shirt up to see the very red skin. I switched my Daku on and stared at the man, who stared at me, completely confused. I began taking slow steps forward, which freaked him out, so he started to back up. Once I was right in front of him, he swung his fist at me, but I quickly added chakra into my own two hands, making a chidori in one, and a rasengan in my other, one of my clans specialties, double jutsus.

"Rasendori!" I yelled as I punched his fist with the both of mine, shattering his rock armor, causing Iwa to scream in pain. He clutched his fist and fell to his knees in front of me wide eyed, which made me giddy with excitement for what comes next. I reached out and jerked his chin upward with the tips of my fingers so his face was now up toward mine, and once his dull colored eyes caught mine, it was all over.

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