Cupid brings flowers, but I bring hell

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The next morning was a nightmare. I woke up 30 minutes late. Which is a very big deal. It pushes my whole schedule back and now I have 5 minutes to get to school. I rush as soon as the light turns green. Speeding like a maniac, swerving like a mad woman and honking like a bitch. 

I parked the car in the closest place I could find. That is a 3-minute walk. I pass by a very familiar looking car. It had big gashes in the windows and at the doors. An extra mirror was added to replace the missing side mirror. I contained a laugh as I passed Kian's wrecked Porsche. It looked like it had come right out of hell. 

When I got Inside the smell of pizza cooking filled my nostrils. The calming and relaxing smell made me float. This meant it was pizza Wednesday! I knocked on Miss.Rod's door waiting for a reply.

" Come in" a distraught voice echoed across the wall. A bunch of tiny heads turned towards the door. I don't know what is wrong with people, but every time someone walks in through that door doesn't matter if it is the plumber, the teacher, Beyonce or even the king of the jungle everyone has to be engrossed on the person that walks in. Flowers were perched on the counter next to the window a gift box was resting on top of a desk. I almost forgot to mention it was that day of the year. Where lovesick people desperate to prove how much they love each other buy expensive gifts and give out declarations of love to the person they feel attracted too. 

I always said that Valentine's day is the most ridiculous holiday after groundhog day. Why would people even celebrate that? They have the whole year to show each other their love. But no they have to wait until this exact day. Maybe I will make Sleeping Week an official holiday. 

"Miss Halley, Please join us" 

The teacher pointed to a seat next to Reed Harrington. He looked away from the window he was staring at taking my presence in as if it were the first time he had ever seen me. But of course, for a guy like him, he wouldn't notice lots of people. 

He started to whisper with Becker Steel.

" Dude I swear she is way too clingy. I will dump her next week at the latest" Becker said in a hushed tone. He was talking about her girlfriend Karol who attended an all-girls school on the outskirts of the city. I saw them last week at the cinemas having a date.

" Look, Lena loves romantic stuff. Give her a bouquet of flowers today after school and then the breakup will hurt less." Reed turned his head back around. Poor Lena and Karol. They were both being played. I had no idea Becker was with two girls. Then again there is no surprise in there. 

" Yeah. I will order some by the end of the day. I need to change leafs now. Find another candidate." he tilted his head back laughing silently. Reed did the same while shaking his head side to side. Assholes. That was exactly what they were. 

I was waiting for another moment to take on Becker. But I think I had to move his plans a little and let Lena know what was actually happening behind her back.


I quickly logged into my computer searching for Karol in all my social media. Her Instagram was flawless. Every single picture was taken with precision. I picked a few pictures of her kissing Becker, another one of both of them hugging around a campfire. The same campfire we had two months ago. The same one where I heard rumors he had hooked up with someone. I was too naive to think they were false. I didn't have a facebook, but I created a false account right now. Her pictures were way more explicit in her. It was more like a diary of her life. She had pictures of her room, her closet, her friends and her on the pool dancing, and so on. There was one with Becker in bed eating breakfast. Bingo! I had what I needed. 

The hallway was dead silent. Everyone was in last period anxiously waiting for the bell to ring. I took the big wall stapler and accommodated all the pictures around in a circle making a collage. I had printed them out in poster size. Big enough for everyone to see what a lying scumbag he was. I then took my time to write a beautiful message to him.

{ I heard you are a player, turns out I am the coach} 

The bold letters stood out like a big beacon in the darkness. The bell rang and I hid inside the bathrooms waiting for people to file out. My heart pounded hard in my chest. I silently prayed for no one to see me. If anyone figured out I was the one who did it Becker would slice me in two for ruining his sex life. 

I heard chatting and whispers. I took this as a signal to walk outside. A huge crowd was gathered around the wall. People snickered and gasped. A tiny blonde head stood out. Her cheeks were blotchy and red. Her eyes stung with tears but mostly with disappointment, tapping her feet in a nervous rhythm she stared at the bouquet of sunflowers that hung loosely in Beckers' hands. His expression was of pure shock, and a tad of anger. But believe or not big tough Becker was feeling sorry. Looking at her like this made his stone heart crumble from the side. He surely didn't expect this. 

A single tear dropped from Lena's eyes. A tear enough to express all her feelings, a tear that showed how hurt she was and how embarrassed she felt. I took this as my cue to leave. I turned around leaving all the shattered pieces behind me. I didn't turn around cause I knew all I was going to see were pieces of broken hearts. And I wasn't ready to feel any bit of regret for the mess I just had caused. 

Hello, guys! It would mean the world to me if you would let me know how you are liking the books so far.

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