Chapter Six

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(Gabrielle's POV)

I smiled at everyone as I scurried down the aisles to my seat. I decided to decline the offer of some security guards to help me find my seat, and I am seriously regretting it at this point. As I made my way through yet another row of people, I heard my name. I looked all around, and almost had a heart attack when I saw him. "Mikey..." I smiled. "Hey!" He smiled, and stood up. I smiled, he was even taller than I remembered. "You look lost!" He laughed. "Can I get a hug?" I laughed, and put my hand on my chin. "I don't know Mikey, I wouldn't want rumors that I'm going out with a member of To Be One... You know the press feeds off of things like a hug..." "Oh.." Mikey looked down, thinking I was serious. "Mikey I was joking." I laughed, and found my way into his embrace. His grip tightened on me, and he buried his face in my hair. "Um..." Someone cleared their throats from behind us. I turned around, and laughed when I saw Jason and Madison standing there. "Aren't you going to introduce us to this beautiful lady?" Madison asked, smiling at me. "Oh please, as if I have to. Gabrielle, this is Madison and Jason." Mikey said. "Oh, I know." I smiled, and hugged them. "I'm a huge fan." Their faces turned about every shade of red in the book. I never thought I'd ever be able to make them blush. Layla came up to me, and shook my hand. "Hi I'm their manager Layla." She smiled. Her accent was thick, and I couldn't help but smile back, she radiated friendliness. "It's nice to meet you all! I should probably get to my seat." I laughed, looking around. "Oh, um, what about our picture?" Mikey asked sheepishly. I blushed. I completely forgot. "Well, to be honest with you Mikey, I forgot about that. But, text me, and we'll meet up at the after party, and we will take as many selfies as you'd like." I smiled, and started walking away. I am so excited...

(Mikey's POV)

A huge smile plastered itself on my face. I turned towards the boys and Layla, who had a weird look on her face. "What?" I asked. "We can't go to that after party..." She said. I almost exploded. "Why?!" "We didn't get an invite honey... We can't just show up..." She said. "But, Gabrielle practically just invited me- I mean us!" I said, frustrated. "Mikey, still, it's not polite..." Layla sighed. I glared at her. "Hey, be thankful Layla even got us to the award show. God." Jason said. I rolled my eyes, and plopped down into my seat. Nothing ever works out for me...

Behind the Scenes (A Mikey Fusco Love Story) *Completed* Where stories live. Discover now