Chapter Twenty-Eight *Last Chapter*

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(Three years later)

"I can't believe you're really going off on tour." I looked at Mikey, my eyes shining over with tears. "Hey, don't act like you're not doing big things baby... Miss NYU." He smiled, gently rubbing my cheek with his thumb. "Do you know how proud your mom and I are?" I smiled, and felt my cheeks burn with heat. Mikey had convinced me to apply for NYU for their creative writing program. I had always dreamt of going there, but after my mom got the TV show, that's what I figured it'd always be. A dream. I was planning on just staying in California, working with my mom on her brand and on the TV show until she passed the baton to me, but Mikey had other plans. Not only that, but my mom got Drea an internship under Elie Saab, and now because of that internship, she was traveling the world, getting her brand out there. And last but not least, my Mikey. To Be One had split up, and Mikey, Jason, and Madison had taken their own paths. All of them being extremely successful. I was so proud of all of them, especially Mikey, who was now going on his own headlining tour, starting tomorrow. I also offcially left tomorrow, even though my classes didn't start for another week. I needed to get used to the city, I had only been there twice, both of which times I was glued to my mom's side in one of her meetings. Mikey smiled down at me, and hugged me close. "Okay, pretty girl, I need to head out... I promie I'll call you first thing in the morning and wish you a safe flight... I love you so much." I stood on my tippy toes, and kissed him. "I love you too." And with that, he walked out. I stood at the door, and waved to him until I couldn't see him and Layla anymore. I turned around, and faced my pile of luggage, taking a deep breath. I looked at Mike, one of the cameramen, and gave him the signal to turn off the cameras. He did so, and I walked up to my room, and sat on my bed, which was now the only accent of color in the bare room. I sighed, and looked around one last time. Things are about to change big time...

(Next morning)

"Oh... I can't believe you're really leaving... My baby is all grown up." My mom was sobbing for the fifth time today, her arms wrapped tightly around me, the cameras flashing one after another. I laughed into her chest, and squeezed her tight. "Mommy, I promise I'll come back and visit." "You better!!" She sniffled, and held me arms length from herself. "Oh, I can't believe you're all grown up... Call me when you land okay?" I nodded, and laughed, hugging and kissing her again. I went around, hugging all of our production crew. As I stood waiting for them to call my flight, I stared at my phone. Nothing from Mikey yet. Maybe he was busy? I should get used to that. Considering he's going on tour and all, he probably won't have a lot of down time for little old me. And then I heard it. "OH MY GOD IT'S MIKEY FUSCO!" I smiled to myself, and turned around to see him approaching me, bag in hand. That little butt tricked me! I laughed, and ran to him, dropping my bags, and going into his arms. He smiled, and spun me around, getting coos from everyone around else. "You didn't think I'd let you leave without saying goodbye did you?" I laughed, and hit his chest playfully, earning a kiss on the nose from him. He let me go, and handed the bag over to me. "Open this when you get on your flight, okay?" I nodded, and once again fell into his arms. "I miss you so much already... Good luck on your acoustic set tonight, you're going to kill it." "I miss you more... And thank you baby... I called your roomate and told her to make sure you don't stay up too late... You have orientation tomorrow silly, don't forget." He smiled. I hugged him, and buried my face into his chest, taking in a deep breath to memroize the smell of his cologne. Our embrace was cut short by the woman's voice on the intercom. "Flight three seventeen LA to New York is boarding." I looked up at him, tears building up in my eyes. He kissed me passionately, holding me as close as he could. "I love you baby..." I love you too." I quickly hugged him and my mom, grabbed my things, and walked to board the plane, waving to everyone as I did. I got on, and settled myself. My mom had gotten me first class seats, despite my request to have coach. I wanted to live like a normal college student from here on out in order to fit in, but my mom had other ideas sometimes. I sat my laptop on my lap, and popped in my earphones, ready to binge watch Vampire Diaries on Netflix, but when I opened the screen, I saw a sticky note on it, with Mikey's scribble. I smiled, and read it to myself:

Baby, Surprise! I'm sorry to interupt your marathon of Vampire Diaries (and your drooling over Ian Somerholder) but I want you to do me a favor. Open the bag I gave you and take out the DVD and the sweater that I sprayed especially with my cologne to fufill your scent needs until I see you again, and then put the DVD in your laptop and watch. I miss you so much pretty girl, and I love you ten times that <3

I did as I was told and waited for it to start. I couldn't help but bury my face in his Nets sweatshirt that he knew I loved, but he hated when I took it. I couldn't believe he had actually given it to me to keep... My thoughts were interrupted by our song, "Thinking out Loud" playing through my earphones. I smiled when I saw our very first picture together, taken by paparazzi appear on the screen. That had been a wild day, after it was taken we went bowling together, got frozen yogurt, and then he asked me to be his girlfriend on the steps of my house.. It was all so simple but I'd never be able to forget the way I felt when his lips touched mine, and his hands rubbed the small of my back. As I watched the video, I couldn't help but smile at the memories he had incoporated. Our first trip together, where we had gone to Disneyland and spent a whole day there, since I had only ever been once. The time he broke his leg dancing on stage, and I had to wheel him around in a wheel chair for two months. Our one year anniversary, where he rented out a movie theater, and we watched our favorite movies all night long, eating every junk food you could imagine. As the memories piled one after another, I felt tears pricking at my eyes. Mikey must've known I'd cry, because Ed Sheeran's voice stopped, and Mikey appeared on my laptop screen, his smile making my heart beat fast. My eyes glued to my laptop as he started talking. "Hey beautiful girl... Please don't cry... I know, you miss me already, I mean, who wouldn't? Look at this face." He wiggled his eyebrows at the screen, making me laugh. "Anyways, I made this video, to help you deal with the distance.. I know it's going to be hard, baby girl. Love is never easy. But you're so damn worth it... You're the love of my life... I knew it the day I met you at the store, when Ang ran into you, and you were so nice... I had always had a huge crush on you, you may or may not have been my woman crush Wednesday multiple times... But I never thought you'd actually return feelings for me... Babe I never want to lose you, okay?" He paused, his eyes watering over, making mine do the same. I rubbed my finger over the image of him on my screen, sniffling back more tears. "When we stopped talking for so long, it broke me, but it made me love you even stronger... I waited, and waited, and waited for God to bring us back together... And he did... And I know he will again. Please baby, don't give up... Becuase I know I definitely won't. Ever." I paused the video, wiping away my tears, and burying my face in the hoodie once again. God damn, I missed this kid so much already. I recomposed myself, and started the video again. Mikey was wiping away his tears also, and he smiled at the screen. "I love you so, so, so much... Times infinity plus ten. When you get sad, just think of our story... Like I do." I smiled, and felt tears fall down my face when I heard what he said last. Mikey looked down, then directly at the screen, making me smile. "You know what baby? Our whole love life, has been taped on TV. But it's crazy to think, that this all started, behind the scenes..." 

(A/N: And here I go with my usual speech after a story... I can't believe this story is over lovelies... I know my updating sucked and the plot could've been better but I enjoyed writing this so much. Thank you all for the support, forever and always. I love you all so much, my lovelies. Stay beautiful, and I hope you enjoyed the story! <3)

Behind the Scenes (A Mikey Fusco Love Story) *Completed* Where stories live. Discover now