Chapter 6 - Go ahead, buy the whole Starbucks and Burger King... Why don't ya

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Chantele zipped past the red lights at 130km/h. It's midnight on the empty streets and we're teenagers, let's be reckless once in a while. I sat in the front seat of her Mazda 3 Sedan yelling the lyrics to Touch and Go by Ed Sheeran 

"Waking up, midnight November and you're still in my bed!" I scream-sang the lyrics as I swayed to the beat almost falling out my seat.

"SHUT UP! Even when you try to sound like a bad singer it sounds good you retarded idiot!" Chantele yelled and took the next part of the verse "It's kinda rough, cause since I met ya there's things we've never said" 

 we continued till the song ended and pulled up outside Burger King

"hello, welcome to burger king... what can I get you?" The impatient waitress snapped at us

"Could I have one of each of everything you have on your menu?" Chantele roared "ooohhh, so do you guys serve vodka here?"

"Chantele, I don't think you can do that. besides, what will we do with all that food?

An engine that sounded all too familiar pulled up outside, the tires skidded across the pavement making all our heads turn to the door. The football team stumbled in more intoxicated than my aunt Elizabeth at an open bar. (no shade auntie, I love you) 

I flirted with Steve and he handed me his wallet. Chantele and I were up to mischief so we paid using his credit card and left the boys to clear through the massive amount of food. 


Chantele and I giggled as she parked in my driveway, the lights were off at the house but one thing was different, there was a figure looking through my window.  

"Let's go stop him before he robs you" Chantele whispered.

"Great idea" I whispered back. 

We snuck out the car as quietly as possible -which wasn't quiet at all, we tripped over everything but the robber didn't seem to notice- and grabbed a baseball bat and hockey stick. Drunkenly giggling we approached him while quietly treading on the grass acting as if we were in a battlefield sneaking up on the unsuspecting enemy. Once we were in close range we realized we were outmatched. He was extremely built and appeared to be really fit. 

What perplexed me the most is he hadn't broken in yet, he just kept on looking through the windows  - suspiciously might I add- and checking his phone. Before I could stop her, Chantele waved her hockey stick like a weapon in the air, letting out a war cry she leaped on the man and knocked him out.


we dragged him inside hours ago...

He still hadn't regained consciousness, he was always one for dramatic flair. I had begun sobering up as soon as blood began flowing from a cut where she struck him. 

We cleaned up all the blood that flowed from his head onto my porch and lifted him onto the couch, I placed a cinderella bandaid on the small cut that didn't want to stop bleeding and wrapped his head in a cloth bandage. 

Chantele stepped out the kitchen with a drinking a beer from lord knows when and leapt on the couch where he was sleeping. 

If you are still wondering who this is, its none other than Nick. I really wonder what he was doing at my house, it's not like him to care; not since we ended things. I really feel like I've gotten to know you well enough to tell you what happened, so get cozy and get ready for a really dramatic breakup. I found it kinda anticlimactic but you're not here to listen to me rambling. Let's get on with this...

He cheated...


Of course I saw it all...

He said he was 'drunk' and she came onto him...

He begged me not to leave, he said it was a mistake. I knew it wasn't. It would ruin his reputation if I publically dumped him, so I dumped his sorry ass there and then. His ego took a hit but he had floods of girls around him trying to comfort him.  

That is the tale of how I thought I had cut Nick out of my life, but as fate may have it we drifted back to each other and now we're trying out friendship with a hint of competitiveness. (wait a sec, who even believes in fate? That's so 2000 and late)(Haha, see what did there?)

"Wow... you've been through a lot" Chantele sarcastically spoke through my thoughts

What is she even talking about? I wondered in my head

"You're talking out loud stupid..." Her tone went from sarcastic to a quiet whisper as she asked me with eyes brimming with emotion "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" she said in a quiet voice and in a second her emotions flashed to pure anger. Her pupils  shrunk and with a venomous look she glared at him and sounded the question I was asking deep inside 

"Why did we bring him in? Why did we attend to his wounds when we have obviously left you with mental ones." 

Okay... I'll admit, that's not exactly what I was expecting her to say... I was wondering what he was doing there in the first place... 

I felt a cold hand brush against mine, a chill sprinted down my spine as I shivered. 

"Are you cold?" he groaned as he tried to get up and instantly flew back into the couch with a wince and a hand slowly edging to examining the bruise forming on his forehead. 

'How chivalrous of you' I thought as I started passively into his orbs which felt like they looked right through me. before I could even stop myself I exclaimed what had plagued my mind for hours.  "What were you doing here Nick?" I spat out so aggressively that I shocked Nick and myself whereas Chantele observed amused.

"I just came to check if you were fine..." he barely got the words out before I was sitting beside him with a glass of water to soothe his parched throat.

Don't get me wrong, I don't care for him anymore. but he was always my best friend as a kid so I owe it to him despite being the reason as to why he is injured. 

he vehemently gazed at my eyes which followed his every move. His next words shocked me even more than the burning passion in his eyes.


A/N: What's up guys?

Missed me? 🤔

Its been a while, I won't even lie. It feels so good to write again though! 

hope you enjoyed reading. 

I tried to make it long and it is double the size of my other chapters. 

Don't forget to vote, comment and share 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2018 ⏰

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