Meeting People

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Emily's POV

Me and Bree are sitting on the other side of the lab listening to Adam's e-pod. We keep laughing as Adam searches everywhere for it whilst Chase is lecturing him about how he needs to look after his stuff better. Stupid! Adam would never think of us having his e-pod and Chase would never blame us even though he's the 'smartest person in the world'.

Leo's POV

I spent the next half an hour walking around the 5 story house and getting lost. I still couldn't find my room and said to myself, "This place is huge! I'm gonna need a GPS just to find the bathroom. " I then leant on the wall and I happened to push a key pad revelling a metal elevator with three red hoops interlocked as a sticker on the door.

I walked over and leant in asking,"Hello?"
Suddenly the doors closed on me and I was taken to a floor deep below the house. I leave the elevator and find myself in some sort of high tech basement,"Wow! My new dad is batman!"

All of a sudden these big doors opened and I run and hide behind some yellow barrels on the other side of the lab. Then a small brown haired boy comes through the doors and pushes a key pad to quickly close them before someone else comes through. He then exclaims, "Good luck gettin' in, that steel door is thicker than your head!"

All of a sudden there is a massive dent inwards from the other side of the door, then both of the doors came crashing down making me pee a little. "Well, there's another way to get in!" the short brown haired boy says to a much taller dark haired boy. The dark haired boy then lifts him up effortlessly with one hand.

"Give me back my e-pod!" the tall boy demands.

"I don't have it!" The other says in defence. Who are these people?

"Give me back my e-pod or I'll... feed you to Emily!" The tall boy threatens.
Then a massive wolf creature that tall as the tall guy, walks through the broken doors licking its lips.

OMG! This is so scary

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OMG! This is so scary. On a completely unrelated note...I need new underwear. Then the wolf thing transformed into a girl who was a bit smaller than the dark haired boy and had long blonde hair.

"Yuck! I would never eat him, he'll taste like nerd and that's NOT a good flavour!" That must be Emily the one the tall boy spoke about, he just nodded in agreement.

Then a brown haired girl who was smaller than Emily walked in listening to music.

"You took my e-pod!" He then dropped the small one onto the floor.
"Taylor Swift Mega Mix. Really?"

The brown haired girl turned to walk ways but the tall boy shot lasers at her. She turned around mad.

"Oh, I know you didn't shoot those lasers at me!" She sassed.

The fourth bionic (Season 1) ~ Lab Rats FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now