Bionic Birthday Fail

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Me and my sibs walk through the rundown ruins of the city. I kept looking over my Schindler.

"Guys, I have a bad feeling. Let's get out of here." Bree begins as we are swarmed by ninjas. We each take a one or two on. I have two and fight them both. Each swinging punches at me and me dodging all. This is too easy. I kick one in the stomach and the other in the face making them collapse. I walk over to the others and see Adam throw a guy causing him to scream, followed by a thud. That gotta hurt.

We heard some power down noises before the view goes black and I remove my goggles. This simulator is easy but none of us wanna tell Davenport.

"Adam, that was the Rebel Leader. The whole purpose of today's mission simulation was to interrogate him." Davenport dead panned.

"He did." I say.

"and his answer was, "Aaaaah!" Adam adds making me laugh.

Bree walks over to the cyber desk, "Hey, next time could you maybe throw in a cute, blue-eyed rebel? What? I'm just sayin'. It's not gonna kill you to add a little somethin'-somethin' for the ladies."

She nods at me and nudges my side.
"No." I dead panned and she sulked slightly.

Leo enters the lab and jumps instantly onto the simulator and puts on the goggles saying, "Step aside, amateurs. Go ahead, Big D. Set it to "awesome."" As he does so. He is also the one who pushed chase off the stage and into me, grrrr.

"Leo, these goggles are not a toy." Exclaims as he snatches them off Leo. Ha!

"Come on! My birthday's coming up-- Globally known as "Dia De Leo."" He pleads. Dia De what?

"No. I designed the mission simulator to fine-tune their bionics, not to go on 3-D joyrides. Besides, you're not trained for it." Fine-tune? Even Adam could outsmart the ninjas.

"Well, how about as a birthday gift you give me a bionic ability?" He begs. Sorry... WHAT?!

"Or he could gift-wrap reality and you could play with that for a while." I mock and he glares but the others all laugh.

"Stay away from that!" Davenport warns as he leaves the lab.

"So Leo's having a birthday." Chase summarises.

"What are you, like, nine?" I ask.

"Fourteen." Seriously? He's fourteen? We all laugh at him.

"No, seriously." Chase asks with a serious expression that looked like he was holding in a fart.

"So how are you gonna celebrate?" Bree is always about the parties and boys.

"We're all going to celebrate. Every year my mom throws me a big surprise party." Leo boasts.

"Really?" Adam and I ask in unison.

"Last year she baked a cake the size of me. I'm not gonna brag, but I was delicious." You did the opposite and basically just bragged!

"Guess what? I just found out that I won an award for my undercover reporting on expired produce: "Something in the crisper can kill you."" Tasha announces as she enters the lab with Davenport.

"Congratulations! That's so great!" Davenport kisses her.

"Oh, thank you. But the awards banquet is the same night as Leo's birthday. I'm sorry, honey. I'm gonna miss it. If I don't show up, I'm afraid that they're gonna give my award to that overdramatic screen hog Linda Montieres." Tasha continues. Leo must be so crushed.

"It's okay, mom. Go have fun. You deserve it. Hey." Leo smiles.

"I thought she was gonna throw you a party. I was promised a party!" Bree shouts grabbing Leo by his collar.

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